Watch Out

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Dogpoo sat inside of the large machine, controlling its movements. He had completed lots of training to be able to do this, being forced to miss his regular classes. To hide the training, he made himself look stupid so people would assume he was simply skipping classes. This was nowhere near the truth, though. He genuinely was smart, that being one of the reasons why he was chosen to help out with this project. 

He pushed many different buttons and used lots of different controls, slowly maneuvering the robot out of its building. Succeeding in getting it out, Dogpoo then began walking it towards the location Headmistress Victoria told him to. His task was slightly difficult since he couldn't see the robot's surrounding very well, but he got through it anyways. 

He couldn't get very far, though, before he heard Mark yelling, "Watch out!" 


Estella stared back at Leslie, not giving a damn about her uncanny expression. "Not supposed to know about what?" 

Rebecca laughed awkwardly. "It's no big deal- uhm-" She was cut off by what felt like a miniature earthquake. The three looked behind them and saw the massive robot making its way towards them. "That. That's what you aren't supposed to know about." 

"This is the beginning." Leslie said, once again in her odd voice. 

"The beginning of what?" Estella questioned harshly. "What are you two on about? What is that thing?" 

"We don't know!" Rebecca answered. "We've only helped build it. The school has been working on it for years- we weren't the ones that started the project. We don't know what it's for- or who even started it." 

Estella huffed. "Well that's stupid. Why would the school make you build something and not tell you what it's for?" 

"It's confidential."  

"Oh my god would you stop it with that dumb voice? It's getting annoying." Estella said. 

Rebecca suddenly got nervous, hearing her brother's yell. "Uhm, guys-" 

"I cannot." 

"Why not? You're pissing us all off." 


Estella sighed. "What do you want, Rebecca?" 

"We need to get out of the way!" Rebecca pointed to the machine walking straight towards them, about to crush the three of them. 


Pip and Pocket were making their own way to their dorm room. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it, Pocket?" 

"Oh yes, it truly is!" Pocket replied happily. 

"And I can't wait for tomorrow- I'll meet up with Damien at the coffee shop and tell him about tonight! He'll love to hear about the things we saw." 

Pocket giggled. "Are you sure he'd want to hear about Gregory and Mole almost kissing?" 

Pip thought for a moment before replying. "Probably not. But I'm sure he'd love to hear about the drama behind the double date!"  

Just then, the two saw Estella, Leslie, and Rebecca close in front of them. Looking up, they then saw the massive machine meters away from stepping on them all. 

"Oh my- what's all this?" Pocket questioned. 

Pip, alternatively, didn't take the time to question anything.  He remembered his mission to make sure the Havishams were okay and lunged towards the three girls. 

The boy did his best to save the three, tragically getting crushed in the process. He wouldn't get to go to the coffee shop and see Damien the next morning. He wouldn't get to sip his tea and listen to Damien rant about how hard it is to be the prince of Hell. He wouldn't get to walk back to his dorm afterwards, Damien's warm hand holding his. 

Despite Pip's sacrificial efforts, only two of the girls were saved. 

Estella and Pocket stood in shock, not knowing what to say after witnessing the accident. 

Leslie appeared to be staring indifferently, not being able to control her movements. Deep down, though, she was terrified. 

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