Explosion of Emotion

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Gregory stood, not knowing what to do. His plan has failed. They now had to find a way to destroy the robot without hurting Dogpoo. He sighed. "What are we supposed to do now-" He was suddenly cut off. Gregory quickly felt a strong pain in his head. He opened his eyes and saw Leslie in front of him, attacking him. 

"You will not destroy the machine." she stated, continuing to attack Gregory. He had no choice but to pull out the sword he alway carried with him and fight back. 

Quickly realizing what was going on, Mole joined in on the fight as well, hoping to help Gregory defend himself. He repeatedly hit Leslie with his shovel, hoping to get her frenzy to stop. "I'm really starting to hate these fucking robots." he said. 

Gary then had an idea. "Maybe she's sensitive to water like the other robot!" he suggested. Taking his water bucket in hand, he launched water at Leslie and watched as she froze and started twitching. He smiled, glad Gregory and Mole no longer had to fight her. 

Leslie's expression quickly changed. "What's going on?" she asked in a different voice from before. No one knew how to answer. There was not really a clear explanation for their current situation. 

Suddenly, Leslie had began violently twitching. Something was wrong. "Self destructing in 10 seconds." she then said, the water having caused a negative effect on her robotic parts. The girl then began switching between her human and robot self. "What? No- I don't want to self destruct! Self destruction will commence in 7 seconds. Nononono- please- help- I'll die-" 

No one in the group knew what to do but back away. They knew that if they were too close to Leslie when she self destructed, they may get caught in some sort of massive explosion. Leslie, not understanding this, grew angry. "Why are none of you doing anything? Please- I don't want to die- self destruction will commence in 3 seconds.

There was nothing anyone could do to help. None of them could look at what was happening. Soon enough, they all felt as different robot parts flew at them from a small explosion. 


Damien stomped back to the school, furious. He had to find a way to save Pip soon. If he took much longer, Pip would die and he'd have to deal with the guilt of allowing it to happen. 

Once he had arrived, he saw something he was not at all expecting to see. Some big ass robot was walking around and destroying everything in its path. Curious, Damien carefully went closer. 

He saw that other people were standing near the robot as well. The people looked shocked and scared. Recognizing one of them as Pocket, one of Pip's close friends, Damien decided to run towards him. 

"What the hell's going on here?" Damien asked. 

Pocket stared at Damien for a moment. "Oh goodness, Damien. I'm so sorry-" 

"Sorry about what? What happened?" the son of Satan questioned. 

The other sighed, not knowing how to safely put what he was going to say. Realizing saying anything at all would get him killed, Pocket instead nodded towards something. 

Damien looked. There was blood everywhere. He figured he was looking at some sort of tragic accident, but didn't fully realize what he was looking at until he saw a really ugly hat still in one piece. 

It was the really ugly hat that had once belonged to Phillip Pirrup, the boy Damien had been trying to save this whole time. 

Damien stared back at Pocket, immediately realizing he had failed. He was too late to save Pip. All of his efforts to save Pip's life were useless. What was he supposed to do know? Accept it? Accept the fact that the boy he had slowly become attached to over the past few weeks was gone? 

The demon had loved and lost. He had given Pip all the love he could give, but in turn suffered through Pip's death. He knew Pip hadn't deserved to die. He was too good. 

Damien then realized that he had to do something. He wasn't going to just stand here in shock. He couldn't save Pip, but he would do his damn best to avenge him. 

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