The Word Gets Out

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Normally, Gregory would fly through all of his classes effortlessly. Today, though, he couldn't focus at all. Not only was he still thinking about all of his interactions with Mole, he was worried about Rebecca getting him in trouble. He already knew she'd told Mark- the brunette had been smirking at Gregory during every class. Gregory couldn't help but worry. 

At one point, Gregory and Mark had met in the hallways. 

"I know your secret." Mark said smugly. 

Gregory huffed. "You haven't been too subtle about it. 

Mark laughed. "I'll make you a deal. Let me do better than you in all of our classes, and I won't tell anyone." 

Gregory didn't know what to choose. He didn't want people thinking that Mark was better than him, but he also didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking out. He sighed. "You really won't tell anyone?" 

"Not a soul." said Mark. 

"Fine then." Gregory held out his hand, letting go of all of his dignity. 

Mark shook his hand. "It's a deal." The two separated, making their ways to lunch. 


Gregory couldn't think whilst eating. He didn't want to think- did he really just make that stupid deal with Mark? How could he be so idiotic- 

"Gregory, is everything alright? You haven't touched your food." 

Gregory jumped a bit and looked up at his sister. He needed to regain focus. "I'm fine- simply tired, is all." 

"Liar." Estella said. "If you were really tired you wouldn't admit it. What is it really?" 

Gregory sighed. "I'm being blackmailed." 

Estella's expression quickly became serious. "By who? Why?" 

"Mark Cotswolds." Gregory said. "I snuck out last night and he and his sister know." 

"Oh. I really hate those two." Estella replied. "They think they're the best when honestly they're just pricks." 

"Exactly!" Gregory exclaimed, happy his sister agreed. "They're horrid." 

"Anyways, about the blackmailing." Estella started. Gregory was afraid for a moment that he would be lectured on why sneaking out was bad, but he didn't. "The same is happening with me. Mark caught me sneaking out as well and told Rebecca. She's trying to use it against me." 

Gregory gasped. "Hold on- why were you sneaking out?" 

"I was trying to escape this damned school." said Estella. "You know I hate it here- mother and father won't stop sending me away to random places. It's ridiculous- it feels as if they hate me." 

"They don't hate you, Estella-" 

"Yes they do." she sighed. "Anyways. Why were you sneaking out?" 

"Oh- well- Mole and I were trying to uncover some secrets about the school." 

Estella giggled. "Mole? Is he your boyfriend or something?" 

This caused Gregory to blush. "No- of course not! We're hardly even acquaintances- Mole hates me." 

"If he hates you, why did he agree to sneak out with you?" 

Gregory thought for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure." 

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