People Can Be Saved

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Once Gary had gotten back to his dorm, he immediately fell apart. What he was helping with could hurt people- he didn't realize that when he started out. He didn't think his family had realized either. The school certainly knew, though, and had dragged Gary and his family into their horrible plans. 

After watching Gregory and Mole fall in love, he'd realized the damage this project could do and the people it could hurt. Gary didn't want to hurt them or their relationship- he didn't want to hurt anyone! All he wanted was to help people- but this had backfired greatly. 

He had to tell someone. He had to stop all of this. But- how? If his family or the school found out that he'd told people, he could be in serious trouble. 

Gary sighed. That didn't matter. Someone needed to know. He'd rather himself get hurt than hundreds of other people. He had to stop this now, even if it meant risking everything for himself. 

Just then, Gregory had walked in from his date, a big smile on his face. Gary tried smiling too, but that didn't make much of a difference when paired with the tears in his eyes. 

Gregory's smile dropped. "Gary, are you... alright?" 

Gary wiped his eyes. "Gregory I need to tell you something." 

"Oh." Gregory said, now sitting beside Gary. "What is it?" 

"I've been keeping secrets from you for too long- the school is planning something, and- it's bad, Gregory. It's really bad." Gary said, sniffling. 

Gregory's expression quickly became serious. "What are they planning?" 

"They're building something- some kind of... giant robot- and it could hurt people- kill them, even- and I've been helping them build it not knowing that! Oh man, this is really bad.."  

Gregory could only stare at Gary for a moment, not knowing what to say. "It'll be alright. I'm sure there's something we could do about it. Who else has been helping with this?" 

"Well- there's my sister, Mark and Rebecca, Dogpoo, and Leslie- don't blame any of them for this though! None of us knew what this was for- we just thought it was some kind of extra credit assignment and-" 

"Gary, it's okay." Gregory said, acting calmer than he really was. "I believe you. How can we stop this so no one get's hurt?" 

Gary sighed, trying to calm himself down. "We need to destroy the machine ourselves." 


Damien stared at Kenny McCormick, wanting to punch him in the fucking face. "What do you mean you don't know how to help me?" 

"I mean just that." replied Kenny. "I don't know how I keep coming back every time I die, and I don't know how to make it so that your boyfriend can do the same. I can't help you." 

"Well figure it out!" Damien yelled, exhausted. "I'm not letting him die. I need a way to prevent it." 

"You're on your own then, man." Kenny said.  

Damien sighed. "At least give me my $20 back." 

"Nope." Kenny giggled. "I told you everything I knew about my immortality, like you told me to." 

"Fuck you, dude." Damien huffed. 

"A lot of people wish they could." was the reply Damien heard before he stomped out of Kenny's home. He felt hopeless. There had to be another way to save Pip. A way that didn't involve Kenny's stupidity. 

Little did Damien know, there was a way. 

And it completely relied on Kenny. 


After the double date, Dogpoo and Mark had run off to a secret building that belonged to Yardale. The machine had finally been built, and today was the day they would test it out. 

"Test run number one, hopefully all goes well!" Dogpoo said from inside of the massive war machine. 

"Everything will go well." Mark said. 

Dogpoo sighed. "Don't you think this is a little weird though? This a big ass machine. It could destroy a lot of stuff. And why would the school make us install guns in it?" 

Mark paused. "I don't really know. Headmistress Victoria told us not to worry about it." 

"Whatever." Dogpoo replied. "I don't care. As long as no one gets killed." 


"Today has been great!" said Rebecca, walking back from the restaurant to her dorm. She, Estella, and Leslie were taking their time and enjoying themselves. "We got to watch Gregory and Mole fall in love and our project is done!" 

Estella stopped. "What project?"  

Rebecca had realized she messed up. "Uhm- nothing important! Don't worry about it!" 

Leslie stared at Estella eerily, her expression uncanny. It was like she was being controlled . "You aren't allowed to know." 

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