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It was a Friday night. I was performing on stage with my band.

"Come on Sujin! We can't keep waiting,"

"I'm coming," I said to my bandmate as I followed her.

I got my equipment set up and got out the drum set.

"Ok, guys we are on in three," our manager said.

"Oh ok," I said.

Soon the curtains opened and the music played.

I took a deep breath and started to play the drums.

My name is Park Sujin.

I am the average young adult you see every so often.

I am one of the five members of a band. It is just really a side gig.

I work at Sephora as well. Well, that doesn't matter anyway.

My life is Boeing, nothing special about it.

It wasn't always like this...

As we stole the show, I saw a familiar figure walk through the doors.

Yang Jeongin?

I lost focus and messed up the beat. Shit. I can't mess up today, I've already been cut half on my pay.

I noticed that he was walking in with a girl. Who was she?

He and the girl waved at me and he kissed her cheek.

I gave a forced smile. Inside, I was jealous. I had so many questions.

Focus, you're on stage.

In frustration, I started to hit the drums harder and let it all out through the music.

My bandmates looked at me in confusion but I don't stop.

After the performance, I walked up to Jeongin and the girl.

"Hello," I said slightly bowing.

"Hey Sujin, long time no see," Jeongin said.

For a little bit of context, Jeongin is my childhood best friend.

Well, I don't know about that anymore. He moved away with his family to another city years ago and we never kept in touch.

"Yea," I said.

"Oh this is my girlfriend Rei," Jeonign said as he introduced her.

"Nice to meet you!" I said reaching my hand out.

I guess not then.

By her appearance, she looks full of herself.


"Baby! I'm tired can we go now?" Rei asked.

Jeongin sighed and said, "Sorry Sujin I'll text you later. Come on Rei,"

"Oh ok bye," I said waving.

Well, that was quick.

Jeongins parents always would nag him asking him when is he going to find a girlfriend.

I could tell that this was a forced relationship. But I won't jinx it.

But why did he come back anyway?

Hope y'all like this so far 🫶🫶😭😫😌😃

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