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"No, it's fine you don't need to!" I said.

"I insist," he said.

"No really! Bye," I said as I ran out the door.

Suddenly a hand grabbed me by the waist.

"It's dangerous out here at night. I'm doing you a favour," Jeongin said.

"Fine," I said.

We walked toward the parking lot and stopped at Jeongin's car.

As Jeongin got into the car I struggled to open the passenger seat door.

"The door isn't opening," I said.

"Oh, I forgot. Rei broke that door somehow," Jeongin said.

"How am I supposed to get in then?" I asked.

"Come through through the door on my side," he said.

"How about I sit in the back," I said.

"Ok then get in," Jeongin said impatiently.

"On second thought I'm just going to go through your door," I said.

I opened the door on Jeongin's side and climbed in.

"Move your legs I can't even walk to my seat," I said stuck between the steering wheel and his legs.

"I can't," Jeongin said.

"You know what fuck this,"

Suddenly Jeongin pressed on the pedal and the car started speeding on the road.

With the sudden movement, I fell right on his lap. Shit.

"Why did you start driving?" I asked blushing.

"You were taking too much time. Just sit on my lap for now," Jeongin said.

"What if the police are here?" I asked.

"Stop worrying," he said.

"Same house right?" he asked.

"Yep," I said.

As he continued to drive I started to feel uneasy.

"What is in your pockets?" I asked.

"There nothing in my pockets," Jeongin said.

I thought for a while and then realized.

Jeongin gave a little smirk as he saw me turn as red as a tomato.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes," I said.

"What eyes?" Jeongin asked.

"Nevermind, just four on driving," I said sighing.

"I can't help it"

Maknae 🔛🔝 😎
Why am I saying the most random things 😭

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