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Kazuha's POV:

I was bored so I decided to call Sujin.

"Hey, Sujin!" I said when she answered.

"Hey girlie," Sujin said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much," she said.

"Well did you hear that Jeongin and Sujin broke up?" I asked.

"It's like trending right now,"

"Yea. I heard," Sujin said.

"Well Jeongin came to my house last night," she added.

"That's why you didn't answer my calls," I said.

Then I realized.

"Did you and Jeongin have s-"

"Shut up!" Sujin said.


"Is that he's hosting a party today?" I asked.

"What party?" Sujin asked.

"Jeongin didn't tell you?"

"He's hosting this huge party at his house," I said.

"Wait- oh yea he told me," Sujin said.

"Beomgyu's right. You are dumb," I said.

"Is Beomgyu gonna come?" she asked.

"No. He and his boyfriend are going somewhere for their anniversary," I told her.

"What? He didn't tell me,"

"Yea he didn't either but I eventually found out,"

"At least I got to meet his boyfriend before they left," she said.

"Omg, you are so lucky! I'm going to kill Beomgyu when he gets back!" I said.

"So what are you wearing to the party?" I asked Sujin.

"I don't know," she said.

"Ok come to my apartment before the party. I'll get you ready," I told her.

"Wait- I don't have a ride. Beomgyu isn't here so," Sujin said.

"I'll pick you up then," I said.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver!"

Sujin's POV:

That night I waited outside for Kazuha.

Just then a car pulled into the driveway.

"Hop in!" Kazuha said.

"Nice car!" I said before getting in.

"I remember I used to come here," Kazuha said.

"Where do your parents live now?" she asked.

"Oh, they live in Busan," I said.

"That far away? That must be though."

"Yea. I still miss them," I said.

Once we got to Kazuha's apartment she got out all of her stuff.

Makeup, clothes, accessories, everything!

"Okay sit in this chair and let me do my magic," she said.

I sat down and let her do her thing.

Before I knew it I looked like a model!

"Oh my god, I look so pretty!" I said hugging Kazuha.

"Slay girl!" she said.

"Thank you! You look stunning as well!" I said.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Come on Sujin we're going to be late!" Kazuha yelled

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"Come on Sujin we're going to be late!" Kazuha yelled.

"Coming!" I said before running to the door.

We drove to Jeongin's house and as soon as I got there I was shocked,

It was huge! As big as a palace!

There were so many people.

"Come on let's go dance Sujin!" Kazuha said before dragging me into the dance floor.

I couldn't focus on dancing. I was too busy looking for Jeongin.

"Uhm wait here," I said.

"I'm going to go find Jeongin," I said before walking away.

"Good luck with that, this house is huge!" Kazuha said.

Where could he be?

"Jeongin?" I called out as I walked up to the balcony.

"Oh there you are," I said once I saw him.

"Oh hey, babe," Jeongin said.

"What's up?"

"I'm just thinking about you," he said.


"How am I so lucky to have you?" he said as he looked out at the stars.

"I should be saying that," I said.

"I've had a crush on you ever since, I never thought we would end up.. Like this,"

"Is that good or bad?" he asked.

"You tell me,"

"It's the best thing that has ever happened to me," Jeongin said.

"I thought it was just tough love, you know, one-sided love," I said.

"I never expect the greatest things to happen to me,"

My undying love for you...

He slid his hand on my waist and pulled me in closer.

We were inches apart.

"I love you," he said. This time it hit hard.

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

The moonlight shined on his making us sparkle among the stars.

The secret just between the two of us. It didn't matter anymore.

But now we all know that he was my best friend.

Thank you for the 150 reads! Tysm for the support. Make sure to read my next book "red lights"

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