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I got into the car and said, "I'm sorry Beomgyu,"

"For what?" he asked.

"Like for making you mad," I said.

"It's alright,"

"Can I make it up to you?" I asked.

"What?" Beomgyu asked.

"As an apology let me buy you a coffee," I said.

"You don't have to do that," he said.

"I insist," I said.

"Okay then,"

"There is a cafe across the street let's go there!" I said pulling Beomgyu out of the car.

We both walked into the cafe and took a seat at a nearby table.

"Stay here I'll get something for us," I said.

"Wait-" Beomgyu said as I walked away.

"Was she always like this?" he thought to himself.

Jeongin's POV:

I walked into a cafe for a quick cup of coffee and stood in line.

I was scrolling on my phone but then heard a familiar voice.

"Thank you!"

I looked up from my phone to see Sujin.

What was she doing here?

I watched her take two coffees from the person at the front counter and walk toward a table where someone was waiting.

Once I finally figured out who the person was I was in complete shock.

Beomgyu? What was he doing here with Sujin? Do they know each other?

Beomgyu is one of my closest friends, why didn't he tell me he knew Sujin?

What was going on?

The longer I stared at them, the more jealous I grew.

But why? Sujin and I haven't talked ever since what happened and it was a mistake.

Deep down I knew that I liked her.

"What would you like sir?" the lady at the counter asked.

She looked familiar. Isn't she the lady who works in the convince store?

"On just a coffee," I said.

"Coming right up!" she said.

Sujin's POV:

"You know you didn't have to buy me anything," Beomgyu said.

"I know but you like coffee don't you?" I said.

"I do?" he said.

"Whatever. What time is it?" I asked.

"4:03,?" Beomgyu asked.

"Oh ok. Wait- today's Saturday right?" I said.

"Yea, why?" he asked.

"I forgot I had a party to go to tonight!" I said.

"It's tonight. Not right now," Beomgyu said.

"But Kazuha said she would help me find an outfit and take me there!" I said.


"Let me call her and you can drop me off at her apartment," I said.

"Do I look like your driver?" Beomgyu asked.

"Well, today you are!"

I took my phone out of my course and dialled Kazuha's number.

"She's not answering," I said.

"Sucks for you,"

"The dress I was going to wear is at her house!" I said.

"Clam down it's not even night yet," Beomgyu said.

"You're right. Just take me home," I said.

We got into Beomgyu's car and he drove me to my house.

"Nice house," he said once we got there.

"Thanks," I said.

"Why don't you get a car?" he asked me out of the blue.

"I can't even keep up with rent. How am I supposed to buy a car?" I said.

"Well then call me if you need a ride anytime," Beomgyu said.

"You're the best," I said.

"I still have your number," I added while checking my contacts on my phone.

"Great," he said smiling at me.

We waved goodbye and he drove away.

A few hours later it was time for the party.

I just wore a dress I had in the back of my closet and put my hair down as usual.

I tried calling Kazuha 100 times but she never answered.

How am I going to get to the party now?

Just then I got a text from Kazuha on my phone.

Kazuha: I'm so sorry Sujin! I lost my phone and just found it. Do you want me to bring you an outfit and drive you to Suzan's house?

Sujin: It's ok! No don't trouble yourself I'll be there at the party and I already have a ride!

Kazuha: Are you sure?

Sujin: I'm sure. Meet you there!

Kazuha: Ok then. Cya.

I didn't want to trouble Kazuha since the party was about to start soon.

I'm reality I didn't have a ride and now I'll be late if I walk.

Suzan is the type of person to lock the gates of her house after the party starts.

Then I got an idea! I called Beomgyu on my phone.

"What's up?" Beomgyu said through the phone.

"Dress up nice and pick me up," I said.

"Let me guess. You have no ride?"

"Yes now shut up!" I said.

"Ok ill be there in five," Beomgy said before hanging up.

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