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"So where is the party?" Beomgyu asked.

"I think it's at the same house she has her previous parties at," I said.

"You don't even know?" he said.


"Ok just pay attention on driving and follow the GPS I put on," I said.

"Ok, ok," Beomgyu said.

We had gotten into Beomgyu's car and were heading to the party.

I shouldn't have agreed to go to this party but it's for my best friend.

"I told you to were something nice," I said.

"I didn't even want to go to this party in the first place," Beomgyu said.

"You is that what you wear every day?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Be thankful I'm driving you to the party,"

Beomgyu pulled into a driveway I immediately knew that this was Suzan's house of fancy exterior designs.

"Ok let's go," I said while dragging Beomgyu through the opening of the gates.

Luckily the gates weren't closed yet.

Just then Kazuha came running to me.

"Sujin! You made it," she said hugging me.

As we broke our hug she turns to Beomgyu.

"And who is this? Your boyfriend?" she asked.

"What no!" Beomgyu and I said at the same time.

"I was just kidding," Kazuha laughed.

"This is Beomgyu. My friend," I said.

"Nice to meet you!" she said.

"You too," Beomgyu said.

"I'm so sorry once again for troubling you to come here," Kazuha said.

"It's no problem," I said.

I could see Beomgyu glaring at me.

"So you guys want to go in the pool?" Kazuha asked.

I looked at Beomgyu's and my clothes.

I totally forgot that this was a pool party.

"We're gonna pass," Beomgyu said.

"Oh ok I'll be by the pool," Kazuha said before walking away.

"You're so stupid," Beomgyu said as soon as she left.

"Shut up! I'll push you in the pool then," I said.

Jeongin's POV:

I had come to Suzan's party with Rei.

The two girls were best friends and both equally annoying.

"I'm so glad you came Jeongin!" Suzan said.

"Yea he never wants to attend parties," Rei said while holding my hand.

"You guys make a great couple. You are literally the it couple," Suzan continued.

I was looking in the crowd for one person. Sujin.

She used to be friends with Suzan so she must have come.

Just then I saw Sujin come through the gates.

She looked stunning. But why dress like that to a pool party?

She was with Beomgyu.

I had so many questions.

The way they were so close to each other made me question if they were more than friends.

"Baby?" Rei said noticing me not paying attention to the conversation.


"You okay?" she asked.

"Mhm," I said.

I wasn't.

Rei isn't the Rei from IVE 😭

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