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A man in his mid-twenties walked into the store and started to look around.

I stayed at the register for assistance.

Then the man came up to me and asked, "Hey do you work here?"

"Oh yeah, I come from time to time," I said.

"Oh, I haven't seen ya before. I'm a usual here," the guy said.

"Good to know!" I said. I am not good at socializing.

"Ok, I want like a snack," he said.

"We have many sir you can go over there and see," I said pointing to an aisle.

"No not any snack," the guy said.

"Uh, what kind of snack then?" I asked feeling uncomfortable.

"You," he said flirtatiously.

I stood there flustered.

"I don't follow sir," I said.

Just then he came closer to me.


"You have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"Why? You wanna ask me out on a date?" I said.


"So do you have a boyfriend?" he asked again.

"No.." I said. I thought about Jeongin again.

"You never told me your name," the guy said.

"Why do you wanna know my name?" I asked.

"I want to know who I'm looking at," the guy said.

Before I could say anything else I saw two familiar faces walk into the store.

Jeongin and Rei? Were they on a date or something?

He was in his own world until he saw me.

I stopped to see the guy arched over me.

I looked away. Great. Just great.

Ignoring me he went to buy something over near the aisles with Rei.

I sighed and said, "Please get off me sir and look at the nametag,"

"You're a tough one. I'll come back tomorrow cutie," the guy said before walking out of the store.

It's now a relief that he's gone.

Now where are they? I scanned the area looking for Jeongin and Rei.

Shit. They were coming right towards the register.

Please don't come to me. Please just steal the fold and leave.

They came over to me and gave me the food.

I began to scan the items one by one when Rei said, "Oh Sujin. I never knew you worked here!"

"Yea, it's part-time," I said while giving a forced smile.

"Here you go," I said giving their fold in a bag.

"Bye! Come on babe," Rei said waving bye.

"Bye," I said waving back.

Did I make the wrong impression? Something felt off about Jeongin.

Well, I quit now.

"Jisoo!" I said walking toward her.

"Are you done Sujin?" Jisoo asked.

"Mhm," I said taking my attire off.

"Ok here's your pay cheque," she said handing me a cheque.

"Thank you unnie!" I said hugging her.

"No hugs for now ok? I'm still in my work clothes, it's dirty," Jisoo said.

"Okay, okay," I said smiling.

"Now how about you go treat yourself to some shopping okay?" she said.

I agreed and left for the mall.

Jisoo unnie is so nice 😊😊

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