Chapter 1: Finding Out

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   Izuku was never fond of gossip... certainly not when it surrounded his soulmate, Bakugo 'Kacchan' Katsuki, the boy he was tied to forever. 

   Absolutely not when it came to Kacchan's new relationship with Kirishima Eijiro...

   He wondered, silently, as he listened to the chatter on his way to home room, how much of it was truth and how much was added in their sadistic game of Telephone. Was Kacchan... really planning on cutting their soul string? 

   Izuku curled in on himself. He wouldn't be surprised. Kacchan always had violent criticisms for Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya, who was always trying hard to comply. It hadn't taken the two to figure it out, their soulmate predicament, much to both their dismay, though Kacchan's more homicidal variety. 

   Opening the door to find his peers in their usual places, minus Kacchan, who was creating a new normal morning routine sitting on Kirishima's desk, much to class representative Iida Tenya's disapproval, though he had long given up on correcting the bad behaviour. 

   Over the months, the original normal changed into the new normal, especially as some of 1-A's quieter students began to find their voices. Sato, Todoroki, and Koda having stepped out of the duller lighting and began to befriend all their peers. Izuku was happy for them but missed their- being Izuku and Todoroki's- friend group hanging out as much as they used to.

   But his social health was a small sacrifice compared to what was gained. While he spent most of his time alone in his dorm, abandoned by his friends, his soul mate, and his mother being continuously working, his probably more lonely classmates were getting the love and attention they deserved. Izuku could not be more happy for them! They had so much to gain from his minor loss! It was inevitable the people in his life like Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu to eventually abandon him, to quote his soul mate, it was all he was good for, the occasional small use if any at all.

    He allowed himself to focus only on the duo's conversation, as the class either waited or chattered in anticipation of the bell. They mentioned it directly, Kaccha- Bakugo's cutting their string. It was after Bakugo confirmed that was the eventual plan that Izuku stopped listening and tried not to focus on the hurt.

   He felt so utterly useless under Bakugo's gaze of battle grounds, the eyes of all the War God's greatest enemies combined would not shake one's soul and bones as much as those possessed by Bakugo Katsuki, self proclaimed Lord-God-Explosion-Murder... or something like that. Izuku wanted so badly for Bakugo to just tolerate him the way the tolerates the rest of their class... but Izuku also acknowledges he shouldn't feel that way and the fact he does feel such, towards the boy who had done little but hurt him, fuck it, the boy who tried to kill him was scary and horrible, but you can't help feelings... at least Izuku certainly can't. I guess I really am a Deku... he sighed to himself as he sat down, abnormal gloomy behaviour noticed by none of his peers.

   What Izuku couldn't be less happy about was watching his crush- his soulmate- flirt, or kiss, or just- no, not just tolerate, enjoy the presence of someone... Izuku wasn't sure about his feelings surrounding... such acts, though he knew it wasn't positive. On one hand, Kacchan didn't even put up with his breathing half the time, and Kirishima has told their class that his soulmate was aromantic and uninterested in a romantic relationship but Kirishima also said he was, and Izuku was pretty sure that was the day Kirishima and Kacchan became a couple, though they weren't open with it exactly....

   On the other, Bakugo was Izuku's soulmate and vice versa. However, Bakugo stated, although privately, he was unhappy being pinned to Izuku at all and had a negative interest in a platonic relationship, something Izuku was more than fine with although he would have wanted more. Izuku didn't have a right to stop Bakugo and Kirishima from being happy... but was it really okay for their search for it to infringe on his ability to live life or be happy? Izuku was fine just associating with Bakugo... he thinks....

   They deserved this... to be happy. What had Izuku done to deserve that? Nothing. He'd done nothing than piss Bakugo off since the day he was announced 'quirkless'. Of course that was no longer the case, but whatever has started the spiral still has hill to roll down, and Izuku had no where to run.

(Salutations, lovely people! Because some people don't read descriptions I'm putting this here. Through out this entire work, assume you will be triggered if you have triggers.

                         Some WARNINGS include

   Mentions/showing self harm (c/tt/ng and e/ting disorders)

    Heavy topics

    Emotional/Physical/Psychological abuse

    Tons of fluff

    Fights (Verbal and physical [probably])

     A cinnamon roll going through a tough time



      Feelings of abandonment


 Stay safe, happy, and healthy!)

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