Chapter 15: How Dare? Dare I Do.

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   Izuku walked into the commons in his night clothes, aggitated at the noise in the hallway that had been going on all bloody night. He looked around the room with all the calmness he could muster, which was a negative.

"Damn it, Bakugo!" He snarled to himself at explosions, making his already pounding head hurt more. He quickly put on his head phones hoping to at least drown out the noise a bit.

"Uh... Midobro?"

Izuku wanted to break something, and if Kirishima wasn't careful that 'something' would be him. "What are you doing?" The other continued. Izuku could almost hear him tilt his head. "It's almost time for first period." He didn't bother to turn around to meet the other's gaze of scarlet, having an idea of what he'd find. "Class... class starts in-"

"It's Saturday, Kirishima." He pushed out, trying to come off as nonhostile as possible. He failed, pretty miserably. It came out more as an agressive hiss than anything remotely friendly.

Izuku decided, Kirishima kind of annoys him. He's not... bad, certainly not as bad as his stupid boyfriend, but he still upsets Izuku. "Wait, it's Saturday?!" Kirishima sounded baffled as Izuku poured himself a cup of coffee, making sure to add three cream and three sugar packets as he liked it before deciding fuck it, he was having eight sugar three cream. He needed something to live for this morning. "But I thought today was... Uraraka, do you happen to know what day it is?"

"Uhm... It's Saturday." Uraraka called from the couch, sounding confused as well.

"Huh... but... it... feels like it should be Monday..." Kirishima hums, his voice trailing off.

"Wait, so do you not want to do our weekly truth or dare night?" Uraraka ask, propping herself up and laying over the edge of the couch.

"Wasn't that last-" Izuku stops abruptly, startled and almost hurt at the realization. "You do that weekly...?" He looked into the cup of coffee. Bakugo was right... they didn't want him.... He shook his head of the unwelcome thoughts. That was fine. He was fine. He didn't need them.

"Yeah, duh! Of course we do that weekly! It's so much fun!" Uraraka says, sounding genuinely surprised. "Truth or dare nights always the best!"

He flinched a bit at her bluntness. Had they... not intended, forgotten about, or simply didn't notice his absence?

"Well, it's always fun for... wait, is it not fun for you?" Kirishima asks, tilting his head.

They hadn't noticed. He shook his head and smiled a blinding and fake smile. "No, it's fun!" He chirped. If they wanted to forget him, let them not remember.

"I... see..." Kirishima hummed as Izuku leaned against the counter so he could watch the students also in the commons. He was a but hurt by his exclusion, but what else was there that Izuku could do? There's no point in trying to argue with his classmates. If they were going to forget them on their own accord they never were going to remember him.

Iida sighs, sounding slightly disappointed. "I guess we've been too busy to notice Izuku hasn't been at most of the weekly meet ups..."

Izuku takes a long drink of his coffee, letting the substance burn his throat and melt the heavy feeling in his chest.

Uraraka sighs and looks over at Izuku for a bit before she decides to speak. "You look slightly upset. Is there- do you not like playing truth or dare? Because-- because I think it's fun, but if you don't want to, then we should just switch the game." Uraraka says, sounding like she's trying to hide annoyance.

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