Chapter 11: One Stitch at a Time

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   For who knows how long, Izuku lay emotionless on his bed... angry at All Might and feeling useless... The sharp pain he put in his arms had not subsided... Grumbling in pain, he was both physically and emotionally exhausted. He couldn't even cry about it, tears don't come, even though he feels like they should, like he really needs to cry. He didn't even want to move out of bed, he just wanted to be there, in bed, forever.

   It was inevitable someone eventually dropped by... Izuku looked tiredly towards the door that was just slightly annoyed but it didn't register as an emotion, instead just a pang in his gut.

   Whoever it was kept consistently knocking on the door again, this time asking if Izuku was okay. Izuku sighed tiredly. He had been feeling like crap, he wasn't in the mood to deal with people. Not even All Might... especially not All Might. He just wanted to be left alone, even if it was lonely.

   "I'm fine." He grumbled exhaustedly from under his covers. "I just don't feel well." Izuku felt a twinge of guilt. He knew Aizawa was just doing his job as a teacher but he didn't feel like opening up. He sighed again, this time lying down.

   Aizawa, not taking the hint, knocks again and asks to come in. He probably wanted to check if Izuku was truly okay.

   "Midoriya..." Aizawa sighed in what Izuku guessed was indifference or exasperation. "I just want to confirm that. Let me in, problem child."

   "I- Fine." Izuku replies, unlocking and opening the door. He stands back from the doorway as Aizawa comes in. Izuku was in no condition to argue with teachers or fight them. His eyes were bloodshot, he looked exhausted and just generally unwell.

   Aizawa took a moment to take in the hurting teenager before he sighed, looking into Izuku's eyes. "I was right." He said.

   Izuku stared back for a heartbeat, allowing his expression to shift from blankness to mild confusion. "What... what do you mean?"

   "It's obvious you're not okay." Aizawa sighs, closing the door and turning to Izuku. "You haven't shown up for your classes in a few days." He points out. Then he gets a little closer, looking at him. "You look like hell."

   Izuku gives a dry laugh, backing up a bit. "I feel like it too, and I lived with him for the better part of 15 years..."

   "Oh, come on." Aizawa sighs, rolling his eyes slightly. "It can't be that bad. You're being dramatic." He sighs again before crossing his arms and staring at Izuku. "I mean, it can't be worse than having a string to All Might."

   Izuku laughed a bit, more genuinely. "I don't know... I feel like being tied to a bomb is a bit... well... more threatening than a golden retriever in a human's body."

   Aizawa nods at this, chuckling a bit. "I suppose that's fair. But it's not like All Might is some unhinged psychopath, he's got good intentions." He sighs, then looks at Izuku. "So why is it so bad?"

   Izuku looked more genuinely confused than before, looking more awake and alive. "Why is what so bad?"

   "... The soulmate thing." Aizawa says slowly, Izuku momentarily worried Aizawa thought he was playing dumb, but soothed the fear. It wouldn't matter even if that were the case. "You're making it sound like it's the end of the world."

   Izuku huffed and looked tired and dull again. "Why wouldn't it be the end of the world? I was tied to a monster that thought he was all that? Now I'm tied to myself, and-" Izuku immediately stopped after realising what he said, watching Aizawa closely for any shift into hostility.

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