Chapter 3: If you Want it Done, do it Yourself

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   The day had progressed rather uneventfully

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   The day had progressed rather uneventfully. The only really interesting parts being Izuku's increasing want to make his soulmate happy in their... could it even be called a relationship? An acquaintanceship? No, that sounded a strange mix of too casual and too close in nature as well as not formal or proper enough. He figured, as did the voices in his head, it would please Baku-chan and Kirishima if Izuku just went ahead and cut the stupid, red string, which he was currently messing with close to where it was tied to his pinky. 

   There was no doubt Bakugo knew he was messing with it. Due to the intimate nature of the soul string, unless both sides are okay with it, other parties can't see it, and it tingles when the other side is messed with. It allows both for privacy and the knowledge the other is thinking about you... or in Bakugou's case, that your soulmate is contemplating cutting the link.

   It was just so... damn red and annoying. Izuku found it increasingly intolerable, which was strange. He was usually very fond of the connection between its colour and that of Bakugo's eyes, but Izuku felt a mild to strong dislike for anything reminding him of either the man he longed to love and receive love, or his boyfriend, depending on the intensity of the connection. He huffed dropping it. The others would be home soon, he should put up the cleaning equipment. 

   As Izuku picked up his only Sunday plans and carefully put them back, he wondered if anyone would notice all that had been done around the dorms. He'd done whatever laundry people left in the laundry room, he'd done the dishes someone he was so grateful for gifted to him with their abandonment in the sink, he'd cleaned the sinks and counters in the kitchen and bathrooms -even the girls, since there wasn't anyone to invade the privacy of and he doubted Mina would keep her promise to actually complete this chore... again-, He'd even vacuumed a good portion of the first floor... oh! He also folded everyone's laundry, excluding the things he couldn't pin to a particular human, and left it somewhere near their doors that would also keep them off the floor and therefore prevent them being dirtied again.

   He'd had a pretty eventful Sunday, combatting the villains in his mind with chores that weren't his and lots of cleaning spray. He yawned and stretched after closing the closet door and stumbled into the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. 

   He got down and out just as Uraraka's group returned.

   What brought him to the realization of the fact was two gasps.

   "Deku, you look terrible!" Uraraka exclaimed. "You really have not been feeling well!" She seemed rather surprised for someone who knew Izuku was- wait..? Not feeling well?

   Izuku shot her a strange look and then yawned again. "Once more, I'm just tired...."

   Mina rushed up to him to ruffle his hair and probably get a better look about what a sleep-deprived Izuku looked like. He maintained eye contact, or at least tried to, throughout the whole ordeal hoping to get her to go away. "Have you got a cold?" She asked, mostly herself, Izuku mused. "That's not good, but you are-"

   The sentence was interrupted by Hagakure joining as they squealed about 'how cute he was' and how he looked like 'a cat who'd just woken up from a nap', something Izuku wished he was having, as he fairly quickly realized his mistake of waiting for their return. He looked pleadingly towards the rest of the group in search of some sympathy receiving only an amused laugh from Uraraka, a fond shake of the head from Sato who was holding most of the groceries, and to Izuku's surprise, a stern yet amused look from Iida, who he didn't know was part of the group.

   "Midoriya, have you just been sleeping all day? When was the last time you slept?" The humour was obvious in Iida's tone but so was the lecture, the disapproval. Izuku never liked disapproval....

   "No," He yawned again, receiving amused coos from Mina and Hagakure. "I've been up since around four this morning...." He stretched, hoping to gently and subtly shake Mina and Hagakure from his personal space.

   "Maybe you should go sleep."

   "Did you fall asleep at four as well?"

   "Are you sure you're feeling well?"

  Shooting it down with an 'I'm fine' he stumbled slightly and groggily wandered back to the elevator, deciding against waiting for everyone else.

   "DAMN DEKUUUUU!" Izuku awoke about two hours later at a very familiar and soul striking scream. It felt like that moment combined with hundreds of other just like it that he'd been through and every moment following and during that seemed to all play at once before a loud bang sounded on his door. "DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING ANNOYING IT IS, YOU MESSING WITH THE FUCKING STRING ALL DAMN DAY? YOU WANNA FEEL THAT SHIT, FUCKFACE?"

   Izuku was behind a door Bakugo was only really guessing he was hidden behind. He had, in it's own fucked up way, an advantage. He'd learned it was best to avoid Bakugo when he was like this and the best way for him to do that now was to stay quiet and undetected. He was pulled out of the mini panic attack with the realization of how scared he was of Bakugo, and how he'd learned it was... preferable to stay as submissive and out of sight as possible when he got like this, and realized further how fucked up it was he wanted that person to be in his life.

   How? Why? Why did he want this of all things? Did he really want this, or was this just what he was told he should want? The banging persisted until Izuku caught Kirishima's voice, the only thing that seemed to pull Bakugo from any sort of violence. He felt a pang of hurt and envy at how quickly Kirishima got Bakugo to tolerate him, like him, and calm down, none of which were any of Bakugo's soulmate's achievements. Something which Izuku wanted so badly without any prompt or cause....

   He wasn't sure how long it took for them to leave and to calm himself, but, as he reached for a pair of scissors he realized a couple of things: 

A.  Bakugo wasn't a good person, not really.

B.  It was horrible Izuku wanted him in his life, there was no way that wouldn't be toxic for both parties.

C.   He wasn't even sure why he like Bakugo. He hardly found the blonde that physically attractive, and Bakugo offered little other than looks and red flags in a relationship, not that Kirishima thought or minded. Izuku wasn't sure.

D.  This was probably a necessary step.

   And Bakugo wasn't willing to commit to it. If he wouldn't even start what he'd threatened, Izuku would, and he'd do it better.

   The last thing he remembered before the agony set in was the snipping of scissors on battered twine. 

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