Chapter 13: Wolves and Illusions and Terrifying Women

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   Izuku wasn't sure how it came to this....

   But that is a lie. He knew exactly how it came to be.

   This was happening because he dared to wake up, Mina and Aoyama taking some variety of offenses.

   "Mon ami, you need to get out of the dormitory, oui?"

   "Yeah, Midoriya! You've been cooped up for how long?!"

   "It is simply unacceptable, mon bon ami!"

   Therefore proving he did know how this all started.

   While he knew how he got there, he wasn't sure where they were going. He blinked as the two chattered, occasionally glancing back to make sure he hadn't run away.

   He... felt like he should know where they were going. Seeing as there were a large amount of people here, it must be popular... oh, this is close to Shiketsu.

   Why were they going to Shiketsu?

   "Oh! I can't wait for you to meet her! You're going to think she's so cool!" Mina gushed, a whorlwind of enthusiasm, pumping the air with an overly enthusiastic fist.

   Izuku shook his head, confused. "W...who is 'her' again? You listed all the people we were going to see..." He bonked his forehead with his fist, trying to jog his memory.

   "Garu, obvi!" Mina laughed wholeheartedly.

   "Garu?" He internally went through his list of people they'd given him and their quirks. "The... dragon mutant quirked one?"


   He almost asked some more before a huge shadow cast over the three in the morning sun and he felt himself go still.

   "MINA!" A loud voice boomed with more energy than Mina had multiplied to what Aoyama had, which was a horrific thought. "Who's the small guy?"

   Aoyama laughed... Frenchly, which Izuku didn't think was possible. "Mon ami! This is Midoriya- kun!" He chirped with a face.

   Midoriya blinked, intimidated by who he assumed was Mitsumu Garu.

   He guessed over six feet, possibly nearer seven, given her quirk and size she probably outweighed all of 1-A combined. She had jagged and pointy horns extruding from her skull and jutting however they pleased and were of different lengths and shapes. A more human but still forked tongue and eyes of horror as well as sharp teeth and... antennae? Ribbon-like things jutting from the sides of her jaw and flowingwithout wind or gravity. Her hair seemed strange, human but far... scalier, as was also her skin, but it was a strange pink-orange colour. She had claws, and Izuku wondered if they were the reason she was barefoot. Her nose was flat and she had a barbed tail longer than two Izukus on top of each other. She was highly intimidated.

   "MITSUMU~!" Mina shrieked happily, crashing into the taller in a futile attempt to wrap her arms around the taller, a gesture gently and cautiously returned. Izuku was mildly reassured that she was aware enough of her constant danger that she was- "What on earth?"

   "P-pardon?!" Izuku yelped when a nose was shoved by his ear with loud sniffs. He looked over at someone with a mutant quirk, Yuushiro Urufurabu. He recognised him based on his description. Izuku thought it was noteworthy that this was a Support Course student and not Hero Course. He blinked in surprise, meeting eyes of flat gold, the kind you only find on canines. They were almost hauntingly glorious and Izuku struggled to excorcise the trance-like state from his mind in order to notice other features. It wasn't a full mutation yet it seemed to do quite a bit. He looked into a mostly human face carrying a startled expression, showing off very canine fangs and a canine nose. Izuku glanced up at dark furred ears angling towards him and then away.

   "U-uh, you're new." The stranger huffed, fixing his posture and looking down at Izuku, who blinked. "U-uhm... sorry. I'm Yuushiro Urufurabu, but you can call me Shi-"

   "Shiro!" Izuku winced at the booming roar of Garu-chan. "You talkin' to the new guy?!"

   Izuku was almost relieved when Shiro winced as well, but was only mildly caught by surprise when the taller growled softly. "I'm sorry 'bout her, M...Midoriya, right?" He groaned. "She can be... a lot."

   "Shiro~!" Ashido and Garu-chan whined before cackling, the growling aggitation of Shiro, who Izuku was quickly growing fond of. 

   Izuku blinked down from his spot on the bleachers, well beyond the realm of boredom.Apparently they were there for training, but Ashido and Aoyama forgot to mention they were bringing someone new to Jigoku-sensei as Garu and some of the other students had called him. Shiro just called him 'That Guy' as if it were a title.

   Izuku could claim he had no immediate affection for Shiro-kun, but that would be a lie. He was laying right by Izuku, yawning and showing off sharp teeth after talking his tongue off about how support isn't just inventions, something Izuku hadn't really thought of. The wolf-quirked boy had aspirations to become a detective one day, deciding the analytics course would suffice. The fact that there was an analytics course baffled Izuku in the best way.

   Izuku had asked so many questions, which Shiro returned the gesture of, and they blabbed to each other until they got tired, which was why Shiro was sleeping in an unflattering position, as canines do, and Izuku was content to watch Garu and... who ever had the grudge against Todoroki proceed to kick everyone else's ass.

   "Too reckless..." He mumbled, watching Garu spar while well aware he was out of place talking. "shouldn't bother waiting..."

   His gaze kept flicking to a character he hadn't yet met. A boy around his height, if comparing him to Aoyama and Ashido, who he was currently fighting, was any indication of a lighter complexion. If he was to describe his hair colour, he'd probably compare it to brown sugar, but his eyes visibly changed in the light. "Iridescent or holographic..?"

   "Iridescent." Shiro yawningly answered.

   Izuku glanced down at the other and smiled down, earning a blink and a grunt, which he'd quickly learned was as friendly as Shiro knew how to be. He turned back to the fights and beamed his excitement at the new subjects for writing... if only he had his notebooks....

   Shiro grunted, sitting up and watching with half-lidded disinterest. "That one over there, without the blazer, with your two excited fucks."

   Izuku rolled his eyes and glared good naturedly at Shiro who snorted his amusement. "That's 'Kari."


   "Akari Monohaku, he's got an interesting quirk. Rough background, though. Let him come to you." Shiro yawned sharply, disturbing the closest match with the frequency for only a heartbeat. "You'd get a kick out of it. Strong as fuck but tons of drawbacks."

   Izuku perked and turned towards the taller, providing his full attention to the obvious approval of the dark furred Shiro.

   "Vision based illusionary esque quirk." This got all of Izuku's attention... except it had already, but if it didn't it would have it now. "Well... it's more a brainwashing quirk, but it allows for illusions. He won't tell ya' just don't tell him I did. Breaks when illusions are physically proven wrong, can alter memories with varying permanence, has force shut-offs." Shiro yawned again before gracelessly flopping down.

That was interesting. Izuku looked back at Monohaku. Very interesting.

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