Chapter 5: Feeling Alive for the First Time

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   Izuku didn't understand anything anymore. Or at least, that was the conclusion he reached. He looked in the mirror and felt an overwhelming rush of love he only thought he could experience for his former soulmate. He assumed now he would feel it for whoever he was tied to.

   He couldn't claim to regretted it. It would make him an absolute liar. He couldn't remember ever being this happy. This feeling of euphoria, it made him wonder if he had ever truly felt happy. It was wonderful! He splashed water on his face as the protective feeling guided him, never drawing his eyes from Mirror Izuku's for too long. How could Bakugo not like this? He was adorable. He scrubbed at the tear stains only to pause at the rumble from his stomach.

   How long has it been since he ate anything? How long has it been since he did anything for himself? Izuku wasn't sure, but he knew this... habit he had developed would end soon. For now, and hopefully forever, he had a soulmate who loved him.

   He chuckled to himself at that. Soulmate... This is all I've wanted, this feeling of adoration... He sighed happily as he dried his face. What should he do first? Probably eat.

   He tiptoed down, since it was apparently night now, out of his room and into the elevator. He waited patiently for the ding.

   Patience... he silently promised himself that he would allow himself that as he stepped out of the elevator and walked into the kitchen.

   Patience. Something he desperately wanted from Bakugo, something he would do better for himself.

   He laughed gently at himself realizing his thoughts were beginning to sound like poetry before deciding he'd probably start writing some. This was great. He was great. Izuku couldn't understand how anyone could turn on him, especially without knowing anything of him. Of course he had flaws, but who didn't? He still possessed admirable qualities, at least that's what he decided. He had work to do, but now he had someone to do it for who was asking for work that wasn't soul-crushingly damaging.

   He opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk and grabbed some leftover whatever and reheated it in the microwave. He let himself soak in the feeling of happiness and love and wondered how long he'd missed out on this incredibly feeling of self-reassurance.

   The microwave beeped. He hummed happily as he shoved warm food into his mouth. He'd have to find out who made it and compliment them on their work. Izuku decided food tasted better if you hadn't eaten in over a week before promptly shooting the thought down before it could even be a consideration for the future.

   Enough was enough.

   He would be there for himself, he determinedly decided as he played with his string. No one else could be a better soulmate, certainly not Bakugo, and Izuku would ensure it. 

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