Chapter 12: Tripping Over Words and Into a Pile of What is Presumably Shit

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   Izuku had been having a slightly easier time since Aizawa had talked him out of his funk and Present Mic pissed him off into thinking he was right... which, Izuku understood, was a strange way of putting the most recent events into perspective as he tapped the keys on his laptop, currently adding to his online journal he most definitely wasn't struggling with not editing constantly. The idea was absurd, he would never struggle with something so trivial... or at least that's what he told anyone who asked. In more productive words, that was the lie he told himself.

   He honestly found journaling more fun than he thought. He paused, wondering if his language was too flowery and didn't fit the mood... he then reminded himself he was conveying life and not a fictional story. Who cares?

   He tapped on one key too many times and barely disguised his pure horror and rage behind a huff. It was an easy enough fix, unlike yesterday's entry. He'd written that one in a hurry, deciding after practically fighting his teacher he should actually take care of himself since he was a better soulmate than apparently everyone but Aizawa-sensei, Hitoshi-kun, and arguably... what's her name... oh gods, he forgot... he's have to apologise the next time they hung out. Well, a better soulmate than anyone but they thought.

   He scrolled up a bit on the document to add more spaces between yesterday's and today's simply so he didn't have to see that chaos again. He promised himself he wouldn't go and edit previous entries not written that day, but by the mercy or vice of the Gods, he very much wanted to.

   He listened to the chatter of class 1-A as he sat in the commons at Iida's demand. Something about 'some individuals being more antisocial than normal' and 'ensuring everyone was okay and happy and knew they all were friends' which of course excluded Bakugo by his own volition.

   He couldn't help but feel the first comment was directed at him. He wondered if it was... he wasn't sure he wanted it to be. That would mean they'd noticed, but they just hadn't cared that he'd been feeling.... bad. It hurt him to think that his wonderful, friendly, benevolent, empathetic, noble, honourable, incredible, amazing, heroic peers in UA's hero course didn't care and weren't willing to provide help-which he knew he didn't deserve, but he doubted it wouldn't have been offered if they were what he'd thought them to be.... He took a deep breath and calmed down, tapping on the keyboard some more.

   "Hey, Midoriya!" Kirishima called out. "Wanna play truth or dare!"

   Izuku blinked and quickly slammed his laptop shut out of surprise, looking over with bewilderment and embarrassment. "Uh..." He wasn't sure how he... well... where his opinions on Kirishima currently lay... on one hand, he was a good person with honourable goals and traits, on the other he was dating Bakugo. "S..I would enjoy participating." He stated tensely.

   Uraraka laughed a bit from her spot between Iida and Asui. "Why so stiff? You don't need to be so formal, Deku!"

   "Alright then! Let's begin!" Kirishima happily chirped, a friendly grin on his face "Truth or dare?"

   Izuku blinked at the directness, not expecting to be the first one asked. "Uh... truth." He answered after a moment's hesitation.

   "Alright then. Truth. Who do you like? 'Like' as in have a crush on." Kirishima chuckled, sitting down and leaning on the table in front of them, "It can be anyone, be it someone in the class, or outside."

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