Hello, I'm back, Fairy Tail

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so I am now writing the next chapter

Romeo is back

Romeo POV

For the past couple weeks, I've been watching. She knows someone is there. But she doesn't know its me. She will never know it's me unless I reveal myself. And I dont plan on doing that until tommorow.

Tommorow, I make my move.

Natsu POV

(Lucy is not dead, i promise.)

Lucy is dead.

She's been dead for the past two years. This feels strangely familiar, like when Lissanna disappeared. Except Lissanna came back. Lucy wont come back. I watched her die. She... She's gone.

If only I could tell her...

I'd tell her how much I miss her. I'd tell her that...

I love her.

If only he knew that a certain blonde haired girl was watching him from the sky.

"It's okay Natsu. I'm not gone forever. I miss you too. It's only a matter of time..."

Wendy POV

Someone's following me, and I know it. They probably know that I know, because I'm not being very secretive about it. I look behind me, and see no one. I look up on a rooftop and see Romeo, shriek, rub my eyes, and look back.

He's gone.

So now I know who's following me. What am I going to do about it? At least I'm stronger now, so I can protect myself.

Even though I know that this is exactly what i shouldn't do, I walk down a back alley. I just have to see him. Just to talk to him, at least once....

WHAT AM I THINKING! I want to see the person who kidnapped me? Who almost killed Natsu-san? Who is responsible for the attack on Sabertooth that killed LUCY-SAN? And we all know how much that crushed Natsu. I can never talk to him or see him again.

I whirl around to come face to face with Romeo.

"Hi Wendy. Did you miss me?"

I jump back and shriek, again, but he covers my mouth and grabs my hand with his free hand.

"I know you hate me, and wanted to never see me again," he whispers in my ear, "but I had to see you. You understand, right?" I bite his hand. He removes it from my mouth and curses. "Okay, obviously you don't." Suddenly, I realize how close we are and start to squirm. He also notices, but is not made uncomfortable. In fact, he seems almost at ease with this fact.

That only makes me feel worse. And scared. And violated.

"Please," I whisper back in a scared voice, "stay away, Romeo." He smiles, and leans closer, making me blush. "Ah, Wendy. You and I both know that's impossible. I guess I'll see you around, Wendy-nee."

As he left, I couldn't help but think about the way he said my name. Without knowing...

I missed it.

Well, that's about it for now. I will update more. Bii!

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