Time To Wake Up, Wendy

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I will launch into the story as a result of my terrible authorness

Beware of swearing in this chapter

the f-bomb will be dropped by a feisty teenage bluenette

Wendy POV

I sat up with a start in my bed. Looking at my clock, I saw it was 2:00 in the morning. Carla was sleeping in her cat bed. Her chest slightly rose and fell peacefully. I got up slowly as not to wake her. Then all the memories from what happened came rushing back in one huge swell. 

I needed to leave. I couldn't stay in here anymore. 

I jumped out the window and flew on the air currents. I had to get as far away from here as possible. 


Why would he do something like that? Just to protect me? That's not possible. He cant hand me over to one of the most evil men in to world to protect me! I landed in a grassy area. I tried to relax, to calm down. 

It didn't work. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and literally jumped a foot in the air, before scrambling away. I looked up to see...

Nope, not Romeo. 

Freaking Zeref. 

I jumped in to battle position and fired every attack I knew. When the dust cleared, he was still standing there, albeit very cold and wet, with a pile of snow on his head. He looked pissed off. 

Shaking his black mop of hair, the snow falling to the ground, he advanced towards me while I stood, unable to move. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and lifted me off the ground. ¨Look, I dont have time to screw around here. I came here to tell you something, but then you made me cold and miserable. Congratulations. I've seen you and Romeo's actions. This is your one and only warning. Stay away from him. You think he loves you? You're wrong. He made his decisions himself. He knows what he does and is doing. He's coming after you. Honestly, all I I can say is, watch your back.¨ He pauses and drops me to the ground, leaving me gasping for breath. He turns away and starts to walk away. 

¨Its time to wake up, Wendy.¨


I ran, to tired to even fly. I tripped a couple times.  The branches and leaves scratched at my skin. But it didn't matter. I had to keep running. Zeref's words... they couldn't be true, right? Romeo loves me. He couldn't be using me...

My thoughts returned to the night we met. He had slapped me... and then continued to take advantage of me in my weakened state. At least, that's what it looked like....

I broke down. 

¨WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!¨ I screamed to the unforgiving world around me. It wasn't fair! Why does this always happen to me? I wanted to end it all. I wanted everyone to experience my pain. I was yelling so loudly I didn't hear footsteps coming from behind me. 

So when I felt Romeo's hands around me, of course I fired an attack at him. 


It blazed a path through the clearing and knocked him of his feet. When the dust cleared, he also looked cold and miserable. Wow. I was on a roll. 

¨Wendy?¨ He stared at my face for an extended period of time. I could only imagine how terrible I looked. Then I remembered what he did to me. 

¨I HATE YOU! I was so wrong about giving you another chance.¨ Romeo looked stunned. ¨Wendy--¨


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