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Under 13 plz dont read, I'll tell u when u can read again

Lucy POV

"...Lucy..." Natsu whispered, tears streaming down his face. "Yes, Natsu, it's me," I said, my voice full of emotion. Suddenly, he stops crying. He wipes his eyes and walks over to me. I expect him to hug me, but he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. Once I leave my state of shock, I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer. We both pull away for air, our faces flushed. He is the first to break the silence. 

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he said. "Lucy, before you died, I never got to tell you..." Suddenly he freezes up and looks embarrassed. "It's okay," I told him. "Go on." 

"Lucy, I love you." 

With those words, I feel like I'm about to faint and go back to the Celestial Spirit World. Then I realize he is waiting for me to say something. "I-I love you too!" Then he smiles, one of his special ones that always made my heart flutter. He kisses me again, this time deeper, more passionate. I wrap my legs around his waist and he leads me to the bed. He bites my lip, asking for entrance, and I let him in. His tongue explores my mouth. 

He throws me on the bed, and I barely miss hitting my head on the headboard. "BAKA!" I yelled while he chuckled. Well, he was never really one for patience.  

I blinked, and the next thing I know, he's on top of me. He begins to trail kisses down my neck, but soon encounters an obstacle. 

My shirt. 

I suddenly feel self-conscious. I had always told myself I would be abstinent. Did I want to break this promise I had worked so hard to keep? 


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I suddenly sat up, pushing Natsu off of me. I saw confusion written across his face. This is the hard part. I hate talking about feelings with guys. Girls, I'm fine. But guys? They just cant take hints. Ever. 

"Well, Natsu," I began. "Ikindofwanttopracticeabstinence." I spoke quickly, rushing my words. Natsu, of course, being Natsu, has no idea what abstinence is, so I have to explain it to him, my face getting redder and redder with every word. He looks me in the eye for a very long time. I assume he's thinking about something, but I cant get myself to pull away from his gaze. Finally, he says something. 


"Okay?" I asked. "Yeah," he answered. "That's fine." Then he gets up and walks over to his dresser and pulls out a small black box. He walks over to me and gets down on one knee. 

"Lucy Heartfilia, when I first met you that day in Hargeon Town, I honestly thought you were a really annoying girl who talked a lot."


"But then I got to know you better. I saw that you were a really nice girl; who talked a lot."


"We became good friends; you joined the team, we broke rules, got in trouble, did all sorts of stuff. We went through lots of problems together, like the Oracion Seis, Edolas, the trials, Grand Magic Games, Tartoros. And somewhere in between, I fell in love with you. I don't know when, and I don't know how, and I definitely don't know why."

I threw my shoe at him, but he dodged it.  

"But I do know this. I'm not gonna wait for you to die again before I tell you. Lucy, I love you. Will you marry me?" 

I didn't know what to say. Wait. No. Yes I did. I definitely knew what to say. 



i legit almost cried while rereading it, its just so sweet... 

ya, so i wanted to add some romendy into this to make it longer, but then I thought, well, i should save it for the next chapter, cause the next one will be super sad, and then i'll definitley cry

so howboutno. 

mkay see you next chapter 


btw, the only anime related thing that has actually ever made me cry is the ending to angel beats

thinking about it makes me want to cry again


comment if u can relate

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