Long time no see, Zeref!

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not even going to say anything this time

here is your run of the mill, crappily written chapter

Mavis POV

He came back to the island with bloodstained hands. I knew better than to question what he had done to the person. It was my fault, after all. Something told me he had ulterior motives, however, for going to the mainland. Wanting to see the guild and possibly finding out what he was doing, I tried to float away from the island unseen. 

Almost there...

"Where do you think you're going?"

I turned back to look at him, eyes glowing ablaze, holding the same jar I tried to take from him earlier. 

"Oh, Zeref! Hey! I, uh, just wanted to, you know, go see the guild..." 

He walked over to me, standing uncomfortably close, and then leaned down. "Cut the crap, Mavis," he whispered in my ear. I looked up and saw his face, heat pooling in my belly. How the hell did he manage to be so freaking attractive? I gulped, trying to find a response, but he was so close, and so distracting...

There was no way in hell he wasn't doing this on purpose. He knew exactly the effect his presence had on me. I could only imagine how red my face was at this point. He chuckled and stood up again. "Fine, go ahead. It's not like I care if you don't tell me where you're going."

I trembled at the sound of his voice. 

"Dammit, Zeref," I growled, grabbing his arm and pulling him to me. I tiptoed and smashed my lips against his. He eagerly returned the kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck as I leaned in. 

That was the problem. He was just horny. If I knew this was the problem I would have fixed it earlier. 


We lay on the grass, each panting heavily. I rolled over and snuggled up to him. Now that he was satisfied, I had to figure out what he was doing on the mainland. 

"What did you do today?" I asked, beginning with a simple question. I didn't want to seem like I was probing. He turned his head to look at me, studying my face. What was wrong? Was there something on my face? I turned red. He chuckled and stood up. "Wendy learned some new magic. Snow magic, from BiFrost." He stated simply. Now I was confused. The hell did that have to do with---



Okay then. "ZEREF!" I yelled, standing swiftly. "You CANNOT do that again. I will NOT allow it. It's too risky and it's MEAN." He looked at me over one shoulder. "Why are you still here then? I'm a freaking black mage, Mavis. I am the very embodiment of evil. Since when did I care when something was MEAN?" The word rolled off his tongue as if it was poison. 

"EVER SINCE I CAME INTO YOUR STUPID, WORTHLESS, GOD-FORSAKEN LIFE!" My voice softened as I realized I might have struck a bit too deep. "Come on, Zeref, you said you said so yourself. Can't you at least try? For me? You said things would change, and then you go and say things like this. If you're the embodiment of evil, I'm the embodiment of light. We can't keep doing this."  

"Mavis..." he said while turning around fully. There was an empty look on his face. Did I finally get to him? Maybe he would---

"It's really hard to take you seriously when you're completely naked."

I squealed and covered myself with my arms, grabbed my dress with my foot, and put it on quickly, muttering quietly. I bet I was about as red as a tomato. Turning around so I wasn't facing him and that STUPID smirk of his, I curled up fetus position and pouted. I expected him to pat me on the back or something, or make some detrimental comment, but....

When I turned around, he was already gone. 


Wendy POV

Romeo and I walked together hand in hand towards Fairy Hills. It was time to come clean. We had to tell the others. After a walk that seemed too short, we reached the dormitory. Romeo pulled open the door. 

"After you." 

I took a deep breath and stepped in to see...


Oh. Oh no. 

The room began to heat up instantly as he saw Romeo behind me. I could see the heat radiating off his body. It felt like an oven. 



They entered their battle stances. I had to do something, or this whole place was gonna be burnt to a crisp. So I stepped in between them, facing Natsu, and made it start to snow. From the ceiling. Instantly the room cooled. "Wendy?" He asked, looking confused. "What are you doing? And where did you learn that?"

This wasn't how I hoped it would happen. But it looked like it was the only way to avoid a battle. "Natsu," I said with my best poker face, "Romeo and I love each other. If you have a problem with that, take it up with me. He didn't do anything." 

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew it was a mistake. 

"Did he brainwash you?! Of course he did something! He freaking KILLED LUCY! He became Zeref's little lackey for a month! He kidnapped you and stole your magic!" 

"Zeref's your brother, Natsu," Romeo spoke up, coming to my aid. "Without him, you would probably be dead. He's saved your life multiple times. How do you know what he's doing right now is especially bad?"

At the worst moment possible, Lucy poked her head out from Erza's room. "Natsu! We reserved some time at Kardia Cathedral for our wedding! Mr. Yajima volunteered to do all of the cater---oh. Well, it was bound to happen at some point in time." She walked to Natsu and put a hand on his shoulder. "You better behave yourself and learn to get along with Romeo. Because this--" She pointed a finger at Romeo. 

"This is Wendy's future husband." 

Well, now there's this. 

I am trying to update things faster

The undertale fic is up, in case anyone cared (I doubt anyone cared) 

I will also post the science fiction book once i think of a non-crappy title

I might make a hetalia fic, since i'm also hetalia trash now... not sure if it should stay countries or do a human au... or both... 

yah im done rambling now my fluffy children

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