Steamy Times

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(WARNING!!! UNDER 13 PLZ DONT READ PLZZZZZZZ) Basically what happens is Carla is about to go on a date with Lily but breaks into tears and says that the real reason she was going on the date is to make herself feel better about happy, because he is moving away for two years with his new girlfriend that he found. Carla was upset because of the way she treated him, and apparently she thinks its her fault and she drove happy off the edge. Later, Romeo and Wendy meet up again (planned by Romeo and not Wendy) and he taunts her. She doesn't want him here (or so she says) So she fires an attack at him and they get into a yelling match in which wendy says something cruel, again. Romeo slaps her and then leaves crying because he is just that pathetic. So now you know what happens in this chappie IF UR UNDER 13, DONT READ IT VIEWER DISCRETION IS IN FACT ADVISED PLZ NO HATE COMMENTS But feel free to comment anything else! :-)

Wendy POV

I walk into my apartment in Fairy Hills to find Carla in a very pretty dress (I mean, for a cat) and high heels flying around, muttering about this, and that, and I wont have enough time. "Carla?" I ask. "Where are you going?" She doesn't even look at me. "On a date with Lily," she answered punctually. I frowned. "Come on, Carla. Really? We all know that you like Happy. Stop trying to deny it." At this, she looks at me. Then her claws come out and she hisses at me. I shriek and jump back. "Sorry, Carla! Geez.." But apparently, she wasn't done yet. She starts yelling at me, while I shrink back with each vile word she says. "Well what if I said you liked Romeo-kun, huh?" At the mention of Romeo, I turn red. Carla notices this (unfortunately) and she uses it as a whole new thing to yell at me about.

"So now you've talked to him and seen him?!" I opened my mouth in protest, but she interrupted me. "Don't even think of saying no, because that's not true. If you hadn't seen him, why would you turn red? He betrayed our guild, Wendy, and---and---" Suddenly she stops. Her entire body is choked up and shaking. "Carla?" I ask tentatively. "Carla?"

Suddenly she breaks into tears and pulls her wings in, falling to the ground. I rush over to her and pick her up. "Carla," I said, "what's really wrong?" She continues to sob uncontrollably. I sit there, stroking her fur in silence. After a while, she speaks up. "I---It's all my fault," she said sniffling.

This is a new one.

"Happy---Happy got a girlfriend. And he's moving away for two years. He said it was just to 'try something new', but we all saw through it. He was sick of waiting for me! He hated me, Wendy! I was so cruel to him!" She broke down into an entire new wave of sobbing. 

"Anou... Carla?" I asked. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you sort of had it coming." Even I was surprised by my own words. That's a little harsh. Why did I say that? But apparently, she didn't care. She stood up, wiped her eyes, and said, "I know. That's why I'm punishing myself by going on a date with Lily." I just laughed, and to my surprise, Carla joined in with me. "Well, have fun," I told her as I walked down the hall to my room. 

I flopped on my bed and listened to music, closing my eyes. After about thirty minutes, I started feeling hungry, so I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I opened the fridge and got out some bread and cheese to make a sandwich. When I turned around, Romeo was sitting at the table. 

"Konichiwa, Wendy-nee."

I almost screamed, but thought better of it, because he would cover my mouth again, which would bring unneeded closeness, and warmth...


Then I realized he was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I turned red under his gaze. He saw this and slowly walks towards me. "Is something wrong?" he asks. He walks closer and says, "You look really warm. Do you have a fever?" He leans forward and breathes down my neck,putting his hand on my forehead, giving me goosebumps. 

"Should we play Doctor?" 

I turned extremely red then. How does he still remember that?! I thought he would forget!


After we came back from Tenrou Island, Romeo and I became close friends. Since we were only 12, we would play all sorts of games. One we really liked was a make believe game called Doctor.  Once, Romeo came back from the doctor after getting an ultrasound. He had to take off his shirt, and the doctor used something that looked like an electric razor but with gel to look at his heart. Romeo was really curious about it, and he said he wanted to try it on me with a water bottle and his dad's shaving cream. 

I was hesitant, but I allowed him to. 

He took off my shirt but was easily distracted. Instead of doing an ultrasound, he groped my boobs without me knowing. He convinced me it was all a medical procedure. He did other things, too, things that I probably should have reported. We never crossed the line, but... 

I liked it. I liked all of it. 

*end flashback*

I looked up at Romeo. 

Then I snapped out of it. 

"Kenyou no, ATOOOOOOOO!" I fired at him. Accidentally destroying the kitchen in the process. Shoot, Carla's going to kill me. I looked around when the smoke cleared. Romeo was sitting in a chair, with his hand up, the place where he was sitting the only place that wasn't destroyed. 

"I dont remember you like this, Wendy, so quick to resort to violence." 

I could only stand there in awe. "Says you!" I yelled, " You almost killed Natsu, and you're responsible for Lucy's death! And somehow, in your twisted logic, I'm the violent one."

His expression goes sorrowful, but then it twists into anger. 

"I was trying to protect you!"

"From who? I was perfectly fine until you kidnapped me!"

"I thought you were sick and going to die!"

"And who told you that?! Zeref?! Of course, everything you hear from him is perfectly reliable!"

"I was desperate! What if he told you Carla was going to die?!" 

"Desprate for what?! He's the most evil man in the world, Romeo! You were his pawn and nothing else! You were played by Zeref, and you're just too much of a wimp to admit it!"

That's the second time today. Why am I so harsh? I dont even think before I say these things. So cold...

I looked up and saw his face. Oh shoot, I crossed the line now. He charges towards me and slaps me across the face causing me to fall to the ground. He grabs me by the shoulders, and studies my face. He keeps studying my face for a while, and even though my face hurts, I can only think about how close we are. I fight the growing blush on my face. Then, I imagine the possibility that he might want to play Doctor. 

"Don't even think about it, Romeo, or I'll scream."

Suddenly, tears start streaming down his face. He lets go of me and stands up. "I am a sorry excuse for a human being," he says. "And I'm a sorry excuse to you as a best friend." He leaves through the window seconds before Erza, Levy, Laki, Evergreen, Juvia, Cana, Carla, (surprisingly), and the rest of the Fairy Hills gang burst through the (already broken) door. Erza rushes over to me. "Wendy, are you okay?" She notices the bruise on my cheek. "We heard fighting, and..." She then also looks around and notices the kitchen. "Wendy, what happened in here?" I sit up, shiver, stand up, brush myself off, and face all the girls. 


That is the longest chapter I have ever written. I hope it satifies you for now. I U L, ok? 


Plus, this is dedicated to Pixie9012, my friend Anna cause she is just that cool. 

read her books, mkay? And anna, update moreeeeeeplz


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