Chapter 2: The Misfits of The Crimson Axis

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A few months later, it was Oswald's first day of being in the 9th fleet and Heinrich was driving him towards the 9th fleet personal harbor where they would be meeting. How things worked was before the actual school year, teams would be created and given their own personal harbor and dormitory to live in. Heinrich's car stopped at the gates to the harbor with the two logos saying "9th Fleet & 10th Fleet", Oswald was still wearing the same outfit he wore he was given by Adalbert.

Heinrich: You ready for your first day?

Oswald: *Yes big sis, I'm so excited to meet new people but I'm also a bit nervous*

Heinrich: Don't worry, my first day was good for a first day and yours wouldn't be so different, i promise.

Heinrich opened the gate and waved goodbye to Oswald since he would be moving to his new dormitory to live for the semester.

Heinrich: Have a great rest of the year, if you ever need something call me. Love you my cupcake.

Oswald: *Love you too big sis!*

Oswald hugged Heinrich goodbye as he walked further into the harbor, Oswald got a little hungry so he got himself a hotdog and after a while of walking got lost since the harbor was so big. Due to being split between two fleets, Oswald was currently near a docking area as he sat down to ponder where he should head next.

???: E-e-excuse you k-k-know were the 9-9-9th Fleet meeting is.

Oswald turned around to see a not-too-tall girl with red and blue eyes, she had a shy demeanor by the looks of it as she tried to not bring too much attention to herself. Oswald was too shy to respond even though she was shy too, he was more shyer than her as he put his notepad in front of his face. Ibuku was shocked to see someone like her who was even shyer and by the looks of it, Oswald was massively younger with an added cuteness to him .

Ibuki: N-n-no need t-to be afraid, I'm Ibuki, a s-second-year senior. W-whats your name?

Oswald: *Im Oswald, and I'm a first-year junior...big sis Ibuki, do you know where the 9th fleet meeting is?*

Ibuki: N-n-no need to w-worry, im l-lost too. But i t-think i can find w-w-were we need to go.

(A/N: Oswald calls anyone he gets attached to big sis or big bro)

Oswald smiled at Ibuki causing her maternal side to flutter open, Oswald hugged Ibuki giving her the need for confidence as she started to give head pats to Oswald which she was hesitant to do but she continued when she heard the adorable sounds that Oswald was making as she picked him up holding him on her side like what you would do with a baby and started to look around the Harbor.

Ibuki and Oswald would finally find where the 9th fleet meeting was and entered the building, there they registered themselves and worked their way to their group.

Ibuki: I t-think this is where w-we are supposed to wait for t-t-the others.

Oswald: *I think, hopefully, they are nice big sis Ibuki*

Ibuki grabbed her heart as the cuteness from Oswald was too much to handle for her, after getting some snacks from the snack bar. Two tall girls walked towards them, one had red hair and was hiding behind the taller one, the other who was taller. had white hair, a kimono, and seemed to be in a daze.

???: Hello, do you know where the 9th fleet meeting is?

???: Come on Shoukaku, the brilliant Impero doesn't need help for the commoners.

Shoukaku: Maybe your right...i shouldn't waste some stranger's time...maybe I am a worthless punching bag.

Ibuki: U-u-um no need to w-w-worry, this is w-were we are meeting.

Oswald: *Yep, my name is Oswald and this is big sis Ibuki*

Shoukaku: Why does he call you big sis?

Ibuki: I t-think it's a m-m-maternal thing.

Shoukaku: That's nice....well, im Shoukaku and this is Impero. Don't mind her god complex, she loves meeting new people.

Impero: Excuse me! But i part of the Vittorio Veneto Class, someone like me should not associate with common-

Impero fell on the ground sound asleep in front of them, Shoukaku frantically tried to find a chair and sat Impero down as Impero started to sag on the chair.

Shoukaku: I am so sorry....Impero for some reason sleeps a lot and i can never tell when she is about to now you know about her god complex and her tiredness.

Ibuki was about to respond when Oswald handed her some maps, Ibuki scanned the map and found where they needed to go.


After walking for a bit, the group found themselves in a large dockyard holding nine spots for nine ships. Shoukaku was carrying Impero over her shoulder while Ibuki carried Oswald on her side as they looked around the place.

Shoukaku: Kind of weird that the fleet is called the "9th Fleet" and has spots for only nine ships?

Ibuki: N-now that you mention that, i g-g-guess its k-kinda weird.

Oswald: *Big sis Ibuki, look!*

Ibuki: Oh, y-you want some i-i-ice cream.

Oswald nodded as the group went to get him ice cream, Shoukaku slumped near the counter due to how heavy Impero was and it was making her tired. Oswald ordered a strawberry shortcake ice cream, Ibuki order herself an Oreo-flavored ice cream, and Shoukaku got herself a cookie dough as well as a chocolate-flavored ice cream for Impero. They approached with a soapbox with three rows of three chairs, the back row was occupied by various ship girls. One had cat ears with light green hair and looked creeped out by whatever conversation she was having with a girl who had dark green messy hair, the other three all had outfits similar to each other due to all of them coming from the Iron Blood. One had a formal naval outfit and was arguing with a girl who was taller than her and who had black hair that went along her military outfit with a metal skirt, the one behind them who was hiding behind the chair had white hair with one streak of red in the front.

Shoukaku: Whoa! These ship girls must be the other five....they look interesting.

Ibuki: L-l-lets take our s-seats.

Impero: *yawn* Oh we finally made it, all thanks to my brilliance.

Shoukaku: You were asleep the whole time! You know what....forget it, it's not worth the trouble.

Everyone started to shut up as a ship girl with long blond hair came in, her face was that of strictness and her aura had given everyone the rundown on who she was. Oswald was not scared of the ship girl's aura, in fact, he was glad due to it being someone he knows. The great tsundere, Admiral Hipper.

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