Chapter 5: Training Exercise Pt 1 (Repairs & Retrofitting) *Semi-Lemon🍋 Warning*

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Two Days Later

The group was hard at work cleaning and repairing their ships in the outdoor repair yard, they had two days to get ready for the new semester at the Pacific Academy and their ships needed to be ready for the rigorous training that was taught at the academy.

Impero: Has anyone seen the gantry?


Impero: How rude, you see this Shoukaku.

Shoukaku: Don't let her aggression hinder your repairs, we need them done before the school year starts.

Impero: I wish Hipper told us earlier, now i have to rush the retrofitting.

Shoukaku: Don't worry, Akashi & Torricelli are picking up the parts need to retrofit our ships that the school guidelines require.

Impero: Welp, Back to work.

A few meters away from Impero and Shoukaku were Oswald and Ibuki, there were also hard at work repairing and retrofitting their ships and to make the job quicker helped each other out with Ibukis ship being first on their joint repairs as Oswald was motioning Ibuki as she operated a crane lowering one of her turrets into the cylindrical base.

Ibuki: T-t-the new m-motors should m-make turret t-traverse faster.

Oswald: *That's good to hear big sis, is there anything else to do?*

Ibuki: T-that's all Oswald, the c-coal refueling and t-t-the parts n-needed to meet the g-guidelines can be i-installed later since they are e-e-easy to install.

Oswald: *Aren't you going to rest*

Ibuki: *While giving Oswald head pats* I-im glad that y-you care about me b-b-but i want to h-help your r-repairs.

Oswald: *No, big sis Ibuki will rest, i will do the work*

Ibuki: B-b-but you did grueling w-work on my ship, n-now your g-g-going to work on y-yours.

Oswald: *Don't worry big sis Ibuki, you did so much for me so i wanted to help you so i want you to rest now*

Ibuki: Y-your such a s-sweet kid, i-im glad you c-care.

Ibuki started to walk to the dorm rooms as Oswald started to walk to his ship, due to his ship's size, his ship was placed at the end of the harbor with many cranes and other machinery to help him repair his ship as he started to replace his wooden deck with a metal one and started to invest in newer shells such as SAP shells which combined the explosive attributes of HE shells & the penetration power of AP shell. This was going to take a while for him.


Everyone was tired from doing the repairs and it was six in the morning and they have only done 20% of the repairs, Impero and Shoukaku wiped the sweat off their foreheads as they got off their ships.

Impero: body hurts so much.

Shoukaku: And there are still more repairs to be done...why did the school give us such a tight deadline?

Impero: *Big Sigh* This is going to be an understatement to our homework when we are students.

Shoukaku: Forget about school im starving!

As the two walked to the dorms as they spotted Oswald on the ground who passed out from exhaustion, Impero & Shoukaku ran over to him Shoukaku picked him up as she started to cradle him while using her fans to cool him down.

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