Chapter 3: Forming The 9th Fleet

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Everyone started to quiet down as Hipper stepped on top of the soapbox as she prepared to give a speech to the nine students under her wing.

Hipper: Hello students, i am Admiral Hipper. I will be your instructor for the rest of the semester and during these eight years, you grow from weak privates to the best of the crimson axis. You will work as a team and will be known as the 9th fleet!

Everyone nodded in agreement as they listened to the speech.

Hipper: Many of you are bullied and hated by the others in our beautiful faction but that will all change as you work to prove them wrong and work hard to defeat the sirens under your boots!

Oswald looked in determination since today is the start of his new life to become the best ship alongside his teammates.

Shoukaku: You sure look happy Oswald, and i can say the same for all of us.

Impero: What do you mean Shoukaku?

Shoukaku: Look at us, everyone has looked down upon us for so long and now we have a chance to show them that we are just as capable as them.

Ibuki: I-i-i don't think i c-can get s-s-strong.

Oswald: *Yes you can Big sis Ibuki, i think you're strong!*

Ibuki blushed as she put Oswald's head against her chest hugging him and thinking about his words, they echoed amongst her painful memories of bullying and now she got a chance to show what she was made of.

Hipper: Any questions before i go?

Akashi: Yes, is there any catnip, Nya?

Z23: What kind of question is that?

Akashi: relax, im just hungry, Nya.

Z23: This is a meeting for true students with good questions not questions about fo-

Odin: Can you two quit it, im trying to sharpen my cannons!

Torricelli: The best way to cut someone's head off is with a sharpened clever, hehe.

Akashi: Hiss, you stay away from me, Nya!

As the other member argued, they failed to notice Hipper ready to blast her cannons at them.

Hipper: If you guys don't shut up, then i will make you shut up!

Z23/Akashi/Odin/Torricelli: Yes Ma'am!

Hipper: That concludes our meeting, Meet me at your dorms for a quick tour before i show you your personal repair station and places to dock your ships.

The two groups of friends started to explore the harbor as they made there way to the dorms, Oswalds group was talking about what they would do next as well as talk about their idols.

Impero: I the great Impero, is a fan of Deutschland. Her strength and how she acts is super flashy.

Ibuki: W-w-was that from D-demon slayer?

Impero: Why yes it is, nice to see another KNY fan here.

Oswald: *I love my big sisters Heinrich and Adalbert but i also like Littorio and Cleveland*

Shoukaku: Nice pick, have you seen her in her legacy camo? It's so freaking cool!

Oswald: *My favorite outfits is from the Sardegna Empire, their red and white color scheme is very amazing.

Impero: Im happy you enjoy my culture.

Oswald: *Im glad you're happy big sis Impero*

Impero: Uhhh b-b-big sis, what am i feeling? Im supposed to be the mighty and brilliant Impero!

Shoukaku: Looks like he got attached to you Impero, not like you to be embarrassed.

Impero: Shut up! He's just cute, that's all!

When they got to the dorms, everyone could see that it was a two-story condo and were in shock as well as amazement at the

fanciness of the dorm. While they were looking at every inch of the dormitory in fascination, the other members of the 9th fleet came and one of them came up to them and greeted them.

Z23: You must be the other members of the 9th fleet, nice to meet you. Im Z23, the rest are Odin, Akashi, Graf Spee, and Torricelli.

Torricelli: I like this one, hehe.

Torricelli started to inspect Oswald before she was hugged by him, it was a cute sight to see as they were almost the same height but Torricelli was massively taller than Oswald. Meanwhile, the Akashi was trying to get the bag of cookies inside Graf Spee's pocket till Odin bonked her in the head.

Akashi: Nyoow, what was the for?

Odin: Control yourself you furball, im not letting you criminal and capitalist tendencies roam around here freely so put Spee's cookies back now!

Akashi: Ok, ok. I will put it back, Nya.

Shoukaku laughed at her group as each of the members interacted with each other with Z23 holding her visible anger.

Shoukaku: My, My Z23. Let them enjoy themselves, its not going to do any harm.

Z23 as the upcoming leader of the 9th fleet, i want all my members to act maturely and be responsible.

Impero: When did you say you were going to be the leader huh?

Z23: Well i have the most experience and im at the top of my classes so yeah, i should be the leader.

Impero: Well im the great Impero of the Littorio Class, i should be the leader for my brilliance and i look like a goddess!

As the two ideologic, egotastic ship girls argued, Oswald started to yawn as he grew tired from staying up late as it was about to be ten in the night.

Ibuki: G-g-guys, its about to be t-ten and O-oswald is tired so L-l-lets get inside.

Odin: Ibuki right? Well, i have to agree since im so tired of dealing with this furball.

Akashi: NANI! Akashi is no furball, Hmph!

This was the start of a great friendship as the new friends entered the dorm to explore their no home.

The 9th Fleet: Rise of The Misfits (Book 1) *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now