Chapter 4 (Part II): The 9th Fleet Harbor

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The next day, the group alongside Hipper started the trip to their personal harbor. Their harbor was the same one where Hipper did her speech and by the time they got there, all of their ships were already docked in place. Their harbor had two sections, the outdoor repair area and the indoor docking area where most of their ships had been brought and currently were docked indoors.

Hipper: This is your personal harbor, repairs and refueling will be done here.

Impero: The mighty and brilliant Impero can't be seen in this trash heap!

Odin: Suck it up princess, this harbor is going to be dirty all the time so get used to it.

Ibuki: U-u-um, Miss H-hipper. How d-did you get our s-ships in h-h-here?

Hipper: It was very easy, just find it and tow it here.

Akashi: Nya? How did you get our ships here when our riggings are active?

Hipper: This is why the school year should've started early, it's not like that Akashi. You can have your riggings active even if your ship is materialized.

Z23: So it's like our ship is the big guns and our rigging is our mobile weaponry....but that seems very inconvenient and kind of wasteful *rambles for about five minutes about the inconvenience of ships and riggings*

Shoukaku: she ok?

Impero: Great now we got her talking about dumb shit!

Oswald had visible discomfort and was having a headache from to much info, he was about to faint when Ibuki picked him up and started to cradle him to calm him down.

(A/N: Yes Oswald acts like a child since i made him the child of the friend group and he is the youngest of the group even younger than Akashi and Torricelli)

Ibuki: T-there, there O-oswald, I-i-Ibuki is here.

Graf Spee: This is too does she fit all that info?

Torricelli: I'm going to kill her if she keeps talking.


Z23: *Gasp* Well excuse me, im sorry if you buffoons have the IQ and intelligence of a dog!

Shoukaku: It's not that Z23, it just-

Impero: I don't need you to give me a seven-hour speech on the problems of our speech. Right now, i want to show the world how great the mighty Impero is.

Ibuki: Y-you also made O-o-oswald almost f-faint

Z23: I-i-i did? Oh, im so sorry Oswald. I might have gone to deep on this so im sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable.

Oswald: *It's okay big sis Z23, i think you're really pretty when you geek out*

Z23 started to blush as she started to process what she heard, of course, she had other siblings but she had a stranded relationship with them and now being called big sis unlocked a new maternal side to her which she really wanted.

Z23: B-b-big sis? Why did you call me big sis?

Oswald: *Because i thought big sisters acted like that*

Odin: God dang it! Why does Oswald have to be so damn cute!

Graf Spee: My Heart..ahhh...I can't take so much cuteness!

Akashi: NYANI! I can be as cute as Oswald.

Oswald walked over to Akashi and started nuzzling against her, Akashi went from jealous to heartfelt in a few seconds, after many minutes of head pats and hugs. The group started to walk toward their ships.

The 9th Fleet: Rise of The Misfits (Book 1) *ON HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now