Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Maybe it's just an animal.

Or maybe I was trying to convince myself we weren't about to be ambushed. In the blink of an eye, I knew we'd be overtaken quickly. I was just now hitting puberty and coming into my powers. I wouldn't be able to take on a fully seasoned warrior, no matter how much my family had taught me. The angel and Five were far too injured and still recovering from their last attack. I estimated a takedown of about five minutes before one of them pulled something on me when they realized I was the only magical user, and for all I knew, they could determine my ability right off the bat.

Look, I told myself tightly, don't complain. Hades kept bugging you to get back in the gym and you kept telling him you had studying to do. That wasn't a lie, but you really need to start getting your priorities straight.

Add that to my list of cons for being a doctor.

Another twig snapped and I took a step back, drawing my arm out in front of me to summon my magic and I felt it crackle between my fingertips like an untamed electrical circuit and I briefly wondered if I should just try hand-to-hand and see how far that got me, but it would be too late in an ambush.


"Hey," a gruff voice said from the trees so suddenly that I cursed myself for jumping and tried to tighten up my magic for an attack. I held my breath, then scowled as a familiar male demon came stepping out of the woods.

"Kin," I said immediately, taking a step forward, but he quickly held his hand out to me to stop. I obeyed and he held his finger to his lips for me to go silent and I nodded, watching him listen to the forest around us.

Kin was the older neighbor who lived near the border. His long black hair with a white streak down the front left side and was salt and peppered throughout was tied back and his beard looked a little untamed and I noticed one side of it was damp with what smelled like blood. That put me on alert. His red eyes darted around in the trees and he lifted his head back to stare up into the trees for a moment before he lowered his head, his eyes meeting mine. He nodded and continued toward the cabin, so I hopped off the porch and ran up to him.

Closer inspection revealed he was severely injured. He already walked with a limp because of his injury, but this was just straight up struggling to walk, so I quickly ducked under his arm to support him and he grunted as a response.

"What happened?" I asked in a low voice in case our enemies were listening.

"Ambush," he growled, his accent thick considering he wasn't a Greek native, but from Syria, "Fuckers climbed right over the fucking security fence. Managed to take down two of the bigger ones before they reached the house, but there's still five left."

"Fuck," I muttered.

"Indeed," Kin replied, then hissed when we got to the stairs and I tried to help him up, "Nah, not gonna make it together. Go inside, I'll be right behind you." I eyed him, but he was already pushing me away so I sighed and went up the stairs, but waited at the top as he struggled to lift his leg onto the step. I'd offer to carry him if he didn't have a solid one hundred pounds on me.

Kin was no small male. He was tall and muscular, much like a bear himself, frankly. Plus, he wasn't a huge fan of touching, so he probably couldn't wait to pry me off him.

"Are you sure--"

"Touch me and I'll shove my foot up your ass," Kin growled as he gripped the railing. I held my hands up in surrender, then looked up as the door to the cabin opened. Kin looked up, then scowled because he was apparently expecting someone else and not D'Angelo to be towering in the doorway, glaring out at him.

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