Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Listen, I know I'm not in any position to be giving parenting advice, but, dude, come on. That was a dick move. Like, a big dick move."

"I don't recall asking for your advice, kid, now shut up and get out of my way."

"Nah, see, Rowan told me specifically not to let you, Hades, lay a finger on him."

"And he honestly thought you could stop me?"

"He knows I'm too cute and fluffy for you to kill. So."

A part of me wished I was still in the depths of Recharge, sick and nauseated, down with fever and everything was a blur. I had woken up moments ago to the smell of warm bread, peeked my eyes open to see Niko sitting at my bedside with his head bowed as he texted someone, most likely River, given the soft smile on his face. The bread was homemade and baked to perfection with a beautiful decoration etched into it.

Clearly done with love and care.

And last I checked, River couldn't boil water, let alone bake artisan bread.

Niko's place.

Not more than a second later, Hades was coming into the room, his wondrous bag of mysteries, as he always called it when I was a kid, slung over his shoulder. Niko was on his feet a second later, coming around to the other side of the bed to get between my bed and Hades, who approached the bed, clearly fully prepared to get hands on me.

My head was already pounding as I emerged slowly, but surely from the depths of Recharge. I blinked a few times, clearing my throat to get their attention and Niko was immediately coming to my bedside and Hades came around to the other side. His actions earned a glare from Niko.

"Big brother vibes only, old man, or we're gonna have problems."

"Holy fuck, you are ten times worse than Theo ever was."

"Aw. And here I was expecting something like oh I never loved you anyway. You're getting soft, dude, how are you gonna scare kids at the grocery store?"

"Niko, please," I managed, coughing hoarsely. Much to my relief, Niko backed off, but not without giving one last glare to Hades, who looked like he was trying to count to ten in his head.

"How're you feeling," Niko asked, changing the subject immediately and he reached to touch my forehead, then his own with the opposite hand, "I am not a fucking doctor, FIY. I'm waiting on daddy to come back with test results." I scowled, confused by that, but I still hadn't quite found my voice yet. I just shook my head as I swallowed against a strange wave of nausea.

All I did was press my lips together and suddenly Hades was dropping his bag on the floor and leaning over the bed to get me.

"Hey, back off," Niko warned, putting his arm out and Hades shot him a glare.

"Unless you want vomit on your pretty cottagecore aesthetic, kid, you're gonna want me to take him to the bathroom immediately." Niko didn't say anything now and backed off as Hades scooped me up and carried me into the bathroom nearby, just in time for the contents of my stomach to come boiling up my throat.

I felt Hades's hand on my back, his other reaching around to hold hair back from my face, which confused me because last I checked, my hair wasn't that long.

"Hey, catch your breath," Hades ordered, giving my firm rub and I nodded, coughing for a second before I sucked in a breath. I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting another wave of nausea.

"What are you, pregnant?" Niko asked from his spot, sitting on the end of the bed. I snapped my eyes open to stare into the toilet, then peered up, but thankfully Hades didn't seem to care about his sarcastic quip as he looked at me sternly.

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