Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Children. He said children.

Our children. That wasn't possible.

Had they made artificials with our genetics as well?

No way. As soon as we found out Hera was stealing genetics, Hades had launched a whole new security system to keep our samples protected. There was no way she had gotten through that security without setting something off.

I watched Aric go to the closet and start thumbing through for pajamas. I looked back at the exit, stared at it intently. It was clearly a larger security system, probably a deadbolt, control panel, maybe a thumbprint reader, given the strange square panel beside the door. I wouldn't be able to crack that with Aric in the room with me. If I could hold out until he leaves...

"Oh, I forgot one last thing," Aric said, coming out of the closet, wearing nothing, but a larger t-shirt and upon closer inspection, I realized it was one of mine. I thought I'd lost that. I watched him walk over to the bed and stoop down, picking up the dog collar. I immediately scooted back across the bed when he approached me, his eyebrow raised at my reaction.

"I'm not a dog," I said quickly, making Aric smile, "I don't need that."

"No, you're certainly not a dog, but, Ryky, sweetie, I can't trust you until the time is right. So for now, just deal with it like a good boy," he said, leaning over the bed. I scooted back some more with the intention to swing around to the other side of the bed, but Aric caught my ankle and dragged me back across the bed.

"Don't make this difficult, baby," Aric said sternly, dragging me until he could get between my legs, reaching over to try and attach the collar around my neck, but I swung my arm around and knocked it from his hands, making him curse.

"I'm not going anywhere," I exclaimed desperately, watching Aric's eyes darken, "No! I'm not going anywhere, I swear, Aric—"

The blow stunned me.

His backhand was worse than I remembered and I swore my brain bounced around in my head as I fell back on the bed, gasping for breath. I heard a click and gasped as the collar fit snugly around my neck. I reached up to try and undo it, but I couldn't find where the buckle connected and Aric didn't seem to have patience for me anymore as he grabbed the chain and hauled me off the bed. I went flying to the floor and slammed into the tile, my jaw connecting with the floor.

"Umph!" I lay on the floor, pain exploding in my face and jaw, spreading down my shoulder that had also collided with the floor. I groaned, trying to push myself up onto my hands and knees, but my shoulder refused to function, refused to support my weight, not that it mattered, because the collar around my neck suddenly grabbed tight and I was hauled back up against the side of the bed, choking and coughing.

"Ryky, it's really not that hard to listen to me when I talk to you," Aric warned, sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging down on either side of me, and I grunted as he squeezed his thighs tight against either side of my head, "When I tell you to sit, you sit. When I tell you to lay, you lay. When I tell you to sit pretty, baby, you better spread your legs wide for me. I don't think it's really registered with you that this is just the way things are going to be. I didn't want to keep you on this leash for long, but since you're being so naughty right now, I might have to extend your leash training. Now, I want you to nod when I ask you something, but I don't want to hear a peep out of your mouth, unless you want me to get the muzzle. So, do you understand now, Ryky, or do I need to spank you some more?"

I nodded frantically as best I could with my head crushed between his thighs, and a smile spread across his lips at that.

"Good boy," he praised, stroking his fingers down the side of my face, dragging through the trail of blood I hadn't noticed from my crash to the floor, "I can see we're going to disagree on some things, but trust me, Ryky, I know what I'm doing. I'm going to be such a good daddy. I'll work super hard to make sure we have everything we need to be happy, you'll see. I'll make sure our babies want for naught and I'll spoil you rotten the way you deserve, okay?" I just nodded now and he finally let up on the crushing grip of his thighs so I could breathe better.

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