Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I stopped abruptly as Aric threw his bag down on the floor and spun around to slam his hands down on the back of the sofa. I frowned, surprised by his anger. I was definitely disappointed we hadn't gotten the cabin we wanted. We'd been looking for months to find just the right place to move into together, a place to call home. We wanted something we could fix up and enjoy, something old with character, and the old hunting cabin out in the woods had been a beautiful choice.

A basic two story lofted bedroom hunting cabin with old plumbing and old electricity, abandoned years and years ago. It was definitely a fixer upper, almost intimidating, but Aric had fallen in love with it the moment he saw it.

"This is it, baby," Aric said when he had found the listing and dragged me over to the sofa to sit in front of his laptop and he settled down on the floor, his blonde hair bouncing in its little ponytail that he always put it into when he was working, "Look, it's beautiful, look at that staircase, and the craftsmanship of the cabinetry. With a little TLC, I bet we could have it looking gorgeous within a few months."

"It is really cute," I noted, admiring the slopes of the roof, "I actually quite like the baseboard in the dining area here."

"Right! It's so cute, I knew you'd love that," he said with a confident nod and I laughed as he leaned his head against mine and made a kissing noise, "Come on, let's bid on it."

"Now?" I asked as he ran his fingers through my hair, holding my head against his.

"Yes, of course! If we think about it too hard, we might change our minds, and it's about time we did something crazy and spontaneous! Time to spice things up," Aric added with a beaming smile as he turned to face the screen, clicking the bidding button. His words settled in and a moment of anxiety curled in my stomach as his words replayed in my head.

Spice things up?

Did that mean he was bored?

So soon?

But I suppose if all he wanted was a project to work on together that couldn't hurt anyone. The idea of renovating a house wasn't exactly appealing, but I had heard that home renovations could really make or break a couple and at this point in our relationship, I needed to know if I should get in any deeper. I was falling for Aric quickly at that point. I was trying to maintain distance at the time, but Aric had brought up the idea of moving into a cabin together, just the two of us on our own against the world, and the idea had seemed like a great idea to determine if we were both wasting our time or not.

"I'm sorry we didn't get the cabin," I said after a moment, making Aric stomp his foot angrily, "But it's not like we'll never find another one. I'm sure there's plenty of cabins out there--"

"No," Aric snapped, shoving away from the sofa and turning to face me angrily, "That was the one! That was the perfect one! I don't want another cabin, I want that one!" I wasn't too surprised. Aric always threw fits when he didn't get what he wanted, and most of the time it was cute, but his anger in that moment was a little overwhelming. Despite having grown up with little attention from my parents, neither one of them had ever yelled at me. Hades had also never yelled at me. So having someone throw a temper tantrum to this extreme was a little surprising in itself.

"Well, maybe we can write a letter," I said, making Aric scowl and throw his hands up as if to say the suggestion was idiotic, "No, I mean, people do that, right? One of my cousins wrote a letter to a homeowner who was selling and I guess it really touched the homeowner, so it won her over in the end."

"And what touching story do you have for them?" Aric demanded. There was such a sharp venom to his voice I hadn't really heard before.

"Why are you being like this," I asked, making him tense, "It's not my fault we didn't get the cabin--"

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