Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

As if the sex dream wasn't strange enough.

My next few dreams were on the same scale of weird, but with an unfortunate lack of sex.

I dreamt of angels that night. It had to be angels. Their feathered wings, their ethereal beauty that had stolen the hearts of many a worshiper. I didn't know too many angels personally, save Lucifer, as most of the time, Yhwhwa wasn't a fan of sending them into other realms. He tended to hoard his angels, keep them close. It made sense when they were technically his children.

But I expected a closer sense of family within the community and that wasn't the vibes I got from my dreams.

The first dream, I was watching a young boy write at a desk in a very sparse spartan style room. He sat at a desk far too big for him, his little feet dangling over the sides, his chubby face squished in concentration as he seemed to be filling out some kind of homework assignment. He was really intense for a child, probably no older than six. He was actually quite chunky in general, I noted. It wasn't just the baby fat, but those round cheeks and little belly. He was actually really cute, especially with those big hazel eyes that seemed to swallow his face.

He was strangely familiar, now that I looked at him closely.

I didn't get a chance.

"Boy! Come out here!" A female's voice. Sharp and angry, full of authority and venom. That was not the voice of a mother. Of course, the moment the bark came through the door, the little boy was off his seat and running as fast as he could into a short hallway where a female was standing at the end, glaring down at a book she flipped through angrily. There was something oddly familiar about the female. I swore I'd seen her before, with her thick curly dark hair and her razor sharp blue eyes. There was an ancient intelligence to her, but it was undertoned by something dark in those cold blue eyes that swung around.

Beside the female was a younger male, but still old enough to be an adult himself. He was slender and lithe, feminine almost with those dewy blue eyes surrounded by dark red lashes that matched his hair that fell in a curly ponytail over his shoulder, his cheeks spattered with dark freckles and an almost warm golden glow to his face. But he didn't look very confident. He seemed quiet and subdued and he flicked his eyes at the boy, who came down the hallway, but he didn't greet him.

"What is all this?" She demanded, looking at the male, who was avoiding her eyes and the boy, who stared up at them in confusion.

"I'm leaving," the male said, making her snap her eyes at him and he took a deep breath and shook his head, like he was trying to build up confidence to make this decision, "And I'm taking Declan with me." The female's cheeks reddened and she flung the papers at the boy, who caught them in surprise and looked back and forth between them.

"How dare you speak that name in front of me," she snapped, "His name is D'Angelo. I won't have your blood taint his. We agreed, we signed a contract--"

"And I can't do this," the male exclaimed, taking a step away from her and reaching to take the papers away from the little boy, who just looked at a loss at being called out, "Do you have any idea how painful it is to see him grow up like this? He is a child, Bethany--"

"He is an angel," Bethany threw back and I recognized that name instantly and I felt goosebumps prickling my skin as I turned to look at the little boy, who stared up at them in confusion.

"He's half-angel," the male returned, making Bethany's eyes flare wrathfully, "You can pretend I'm not what I am, but in the end, we both knew what we were doing. We both know who and what I am. I may not be clean and pretty and rich and respected like you fucking angels, but I absolutely know when something is wrong and this to me, Bethany, is fucking wrong. He shouldn't be locked in his room all day studying, he should be out enjoying himself, he's a child--"

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