Chapter Fifteen

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 Chapter Fifteen

I lapsed into silence.

I didn't know what to say at this point. I didn't know what to do, so when Jasper gently took my arm again, I just let him take me to gods fucking knew where. I didn't know what to do, because I was choking back screams on all the memories that were rippling to the surface.

Tremors coursed through me as I remembered all the training— the attacks.

Nausea bubbled to the surface, but there was nothing left, save for gagging sounds that Jasper just ignored. Memories of my hands covered in blood, and it wasn't just my blood. Memories of Aric slinging me around like a fucking wild animal in a cage. Leading me by the collar. All the training to respond whenever he called to me, whenever he called to the... Beast inside me.


The fact that he used that name of all names to trigger my Beast made me shudder in disgust and I shook my head, not wanting to absorb all the fucking trauma that unlocked.

A Beast.

On top of being pregnant? Was that even possible? Was there any record of a Beast carrier procreating in this universe, as in, actively carrying a child? Was it Yiuwa's genetics that threw everything out of whack? I had so many questions and no answers. I wanted to see the test results, but something told me it would be a stupid question. In fact, any question was probably considered stupid at this point.

I didn't know what else to do, except let Jasper lead me down the corridors that all looked the same. I felt like I was walking with tunnel vision, my ears ringing as I tried to absorb everything I'd learned, separate myself from it and at least focus on getting out, but I kept getting abrupt flashbacks of all the visits to the doctor I'd had growing up.

It was quite a bit, but my genetics were unstable, so it made sense that my family would want to keep tabs on me to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happened. Gods were finicky creatures, and even their aging process was difficult to pinpoint. Some were born adults, some were born infants. And apparently some were born with fucking wombs and reproductive organs they didn't even know they had.

So you know.

That was only half the problem, considering the other half was one of the most powerful and ancient curses of all time.

The Beast curse.

The curse combined the soul of the Beast and the Host Soul. In order to survive, they had to work in harmony. Beasts were feral monsters that generally ran on very basic emotions. Things like hunger, lust, thirst, attention... and fear.

I'd heard rumors that Beasts could be controlled through fear, but it was difficult because Beasts generally didn't scared easily. They feared nothing. They only wanted.

"Was... that how he controlled me?" I asked after a moment. Jasper glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, then looked ahead as he approached a set of double doors and a panel on the wall that he pressed his finger into.

"Someone has to control it," he said.

"Yes, the host," I managed, making him frown as I shrugged his touch off and he sighed, "The host is the one who is supposed to control it." He shook his head, pausing to frown as he pushed his finger into the panel again.

"Listen, kid, I don't have time to—"

"Stop calling me kid. I guarantee you we're the same age."

"I guarantee you're fucking wrong," Jasper said with an impatient snort, then cursed, "What the fuck is wrong with this goddamn..." His voice trailed as his eyes slid up toward the ceiling and I scowled at that, glancing up.

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