Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

The Beast had always been something discussed with fear and apprehension.

It made sense; it was one of the most powerful curses to exist. Blood thirsty, chaotic, an unholy raw monstrosity born from the darkest depths of the sentient soul.

So why wasn't my Beast attacking Niko?

I knew it was Niko sitting next to me on the sofa, watching me closely, like he was expecting my Beast to unleash hell on him. It was only natural. Except what wasn't natural was the way my Beast seemed to immediately be at ease when he settled into control of my body.

In fact, as my Beast seemed to get comfortable, he stretched our legs out in front of us, like he was getting ready for a marathon or something, but instead of jumping up and attacking, he just flopped over on Niko, who stiffened for a second, like he was startled by the action.

So was I.

But despite the rumbling hunger in my Beast, in our souls, he wasn't ravaging Niko or anything. We curled up with our head in Niko's lap, listening to the sound of his heart beating in his chest, a slight pitter patter before it seemed to even out when he realized the Beast didn't mean harm.

"Huh," and imagine my surprise that I could still hear Niko's voice, though a little warped, through the Beast, "That was... unexpected. I think the Mother is gonna be super disappointed when she finds out your Beast is just a big cuddly cat, Ryk. Er, Ryky. Is that what we're calling your Beast now, or are we thinking a name change?" Just the name seemed to make my skin crawl, and it wasn't just me. My Beast growled low in his throat, but obviously couldn't form a verbal response beyond that. He just rubbed his cheek against Niko's thigh.

It was a bit close for comfort, but the Beast had no concept of social awareness as he just rubbed his face against Niko's thigh and Niko seemed to almost laugh. Had I been in control, the eyeroll I would've given him would tell him exactly how I felt about this.

How could he be so calm?

Him and my Beast. It made no sense.

I searched inside myself for any signals from my Beast. There was still that hunger buried deep inside, but he seemed more desperate for attention as Niko started petting our head, ruffling hair between his fingers.

"Yeah, let's change your name," Niko said with a nod, petting me, "Hmm, something cool, but also cute, cuz, sorry, Ryk, you're not exactly badass. You're more like a domesticated house cat." My Beast's response to that was a chuff of disagreement, but it was so gentle that it was hard to take seriously.

"It's so weird," Niko muttered, still petting my head and it was hard not to get lost in that gentle stroking, "The last time I saw a Beast this chill was probably Jasper's, if I'm being totally honest." I wanted to look at him curiously, but my Beast wasn't moving an inch. He didn't seem to give a shit about the comment, or the discussion. He just kept snuggling all over Niko, and I was a little embarrassed, mostly because I knew Niko was going to use this to his advantage when he had the chance.

But wait, Jasper's Beast knew calm? Peace? Like this?


Did it have something to do with his handler? With mine? Was Jasper's handler like mine, or was he completely different?

Now that I thought about it, Aric had been abusive, controlling, manipulative.

A psychopath.

Was Jasper's handler, Milo, like that? It sounded like they were obsessed with each other, so perhaps that had brought his Beast some level of calm. And yet, what made Milo so special that only he could handle Jasper? Was it their relationship, or was it something else?

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