Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"No," Five burst out angrily.

The soldier curled her lip at Five and lunged to her feet like she was going to charge her, but D'Angelo stepped out in front of her and blocked her path like a fucking golem with his arms folded over his chest and his eyes narrowed down on her.

"I dare you to approach her," he challenged, making the soldier sneer at him, "Fuckin try me, bitch, nothing would give me greater pleasure than putting your head through a wall."

"This is none of your business, angel," the soldier threw back, then glared past him at Five, who tensed, "Five, return to me. Right now. If you come now, your sentence will be lenient." Five glanced at me, almost like she was trying to get a second opinion, and I frowned at that. There was still a small part of her, I could see, that wanted to go back. A small part of her that was tired and just wanted to relax and rest, but she knew exactly what lenient sentence could be. I saw her mulling the possibilities.

"Five," I said gently, making her blink and look up, "You do not have to do anything that you do not want to do. I know running is hard, but you won't be running for much longer and waiting for you isn't a peaceful death, but a peaceful life. And you deserve that as much as anyone else." Five swallowed thickly at that, her eyes briefly tearing up.

"And I know Lumen would agree," I added softly and she shut her eyes, like she was making her final decision.

"Fuck you," the soldier snarled suddenly, making us look at her as she pinned Five with a merciless glare, "The Hades spawn will perish, Five, you know this as well as I do, they don't stand a chance against the Mother. Sooner or later, they will be buried in the ground and you will die with them."

"I rather die with someone I love than someone who doesn't give a shit about me," Five said, making the soldier stiffen, "I rather spend eternity in the dirt holding the hand of my lover than spend another fucking second near you." Ouch. I glanced at the soldier to see her reaction, but she didn't seem hurt, so much as pissed.

"After everything I did for you," the soldier sneered and took another step toward her, but D'Angelo was there to cow her back into the corner, "Do you have any idea what I had to go through to make you mine? Any idea the shit I had to deal with from my guardian? And it turns out this entire time she was fucking right about you; you're weak and you're useless." Five's eyebrow twitched, like those words hurt her more than she expected them to.

"That's funny coming from someone who can't even keep up with her," Kin said suddenly, making everyone look at him, "What? You've been chasing her everywhere and now that you've finally got her, you're the one pinned down, so I dunno about you, sweetheart, but you're the one who looks weak and useless right now." The soldier lunged for him, but this time D'Angelo caught her and flipped her over onto the floor on her face so he could twist her arm behind her back and hold her in place.

"Get the fuck off me, you overgrown manpig!"

"I warned you, bitch, one move. You're lucky I didn't do what I really wanted to do," D'Angelo muttered, squeezing her arm and making her hiss.

"We should kill her," Kin said, looking at me and I looked at him, bewildered, "What? We don't have the time, energy, or resources to hold her captive and she's a threat to us alive. The best thing we can do now is just put her out of our misery." I frowned, glancing at Five to see her reaction, but she was just staring at her wife, like she wasn't sure what to do now that she had the option to get rid of her.

"We need time to come to a decision," I started, but Kin gave me a droll stare.

"Gives her plenty of time to make a decision too," he said, gesturing to the soldier, "We should do it now and get it over with. I know it's not exactly the most ideal or pretty choice, but decisions aren't always between apple pie and pumpkin pie, kid. Sometimes you gotta do shit you don't wanna do."

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