I'd love to

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I'm the worst person ever I'm sorry I haven't updated I've been procrastinating A LOT. The book will be ending soon there's like 4 or 5 chapters left. I'll try to finish them all before school starts.

Alexandra's P.O.V-

I run to the front door slamming it open nearly ripping it off the hinges, slamming it back shut running up to my room throwing myself onto the bed. Grabbing a pillow, shoving it to my face and screaming as loud as I could in frustration. I'm just so tired of everyone trying to deciding my future it's been like this since I was human-ish, forced to act like a proper lady, forced to wear makeup and do my hair, wear dresses. I HATE IT. I was almost forces to marry some stuck up snotty rich guy who I absolutely hated, and if it weren't for the vampire attack I would spent the rest of my life doing nothing and being with a piece of crap guy till I went crazy and just killed him. Now even the DEAD spirits are telling me to be with a guy who I barley even know I mean yea he's hot and everything but not everything is based on looks. I may have felt a spark with this dude and I might like him just a little bit but I'm not gonna drop everything for him, ughhhhh but if I don't spend time with him there's going to be huge consequences. Maybe I should say yes to going to the ball with him it will give me a chance to get to know him... I can't keep thinking about this it's making my brain hurt. I look at the clock by my bed side it see its 5:00.p.m, hmm a nap wouldn't be bad right now. I slowly close  my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

-knock knock knock knock-

Who the hell is at the door it's like 2 in the damn morning, well it is in my mind, why is it that when I want to sleep in people wake me up

-knock knock-

"Ugh". Grumbling curse words I get out of bed and speed down to the front door, opening it to find a retreating figure about to speed off. "Kol?" I call out watching him freeze and  slowly stiffen, "what are you doing here?" I hear him take a deep breath before turning around to face me.

Kol's P.O.V-
As I stand in front of the door I can feel my mind running a mile a minute, if my heart had a beat it would be loud enough for a human to hear. Should I do this? What if she rejects me? What if she doesn't want anything to do with me because of the things I did in the past? What if-. I suddenly cut myself off seeing the half moon shining in the distance, then looking down to my mark, instantly feeling courageous and confident. I can do this, I'm an original, I fear nothing and I'm not going to start fearing a little two hundred year old hybrid. No matter how crazy that sounds. I quickly knock on the door a couple of times before waiting.

No answer...

I quickly knock again shortly before waiting a couple of seconds slowly backing up before turning around completely, walking away. As I'm about to speed off I hear an angelic voice call my name and I freeze. Shit she was actually a small part was hoping I could get a quick getaway but now I actually have to do this, I have to tell her how I feel.

I slowly turn my self to face her placing a small smirk on my face. "Hello darling" I spoke, slowly walking towards her as she fully opened the door. "Kol what are you doing here", she asked for the second time with a hint of annoyance and sleepiness in her voice. " I'm sorry love did I wake you? I just stopped by to have a little chat with you". As I looked at her I couldn't help but take in all of her beauty. Her slightly messy bed head with her bangs almost completely covering her left eye making me want to walk up to her and brush her bangs away from her face. Her lips a pale pink from the slightly cool weather. Her-," Kol..., Kol...,KOL". I jumped out of my daydream to see her standing in front of me with a confused face and raised eyebrow. "What", "you asked me a question then spaced for like two minutes...", shit I'm stupid. " Oh sorry what did you say again?", "what did you want to talk about",she said taking a seat on the stairs patting the spot next to her. I took a deep breath before walking up to her and sitting next to her, being this close is making it very hard to not make a move. "So I wanted to ask you about the ball, will you accompany me? If you don't want to that's fine you probably have another guy you want to go with" I looked at her to see her staring at the bright moon above us "I'd be honored to be your date to the ball, after all it'd be rude not to after you invited me, plus I'd like to get to know you better". When she said that I felt like the happiest guy in the world, I really want to kiss her. I slowly stand up and reach my hand out for her watching her look at me questionably. "Come on I want to take you some where, trust me". She slowly stands up placing her slightly small hand in mine. "Ok I'm trusting you, you better not try and kill me cause that won't work out for you", I laugh softly asking her if she was ready, she nodded nodded her head yes giving me the signal to go. I grip her hand tight and protectively as I speed off to the woods. "Wow", I hear her speak quietly in amazement. I brought her to a spot in the woods with trees all around, there were a few fire flies floating around the trees and the moon was right above us making it shine a light down on us in a spot light matter. I looked down at her to see her different eyes shining brightly in the moon along with her silky black hair and smooth lightly tanned skin. "Hey Alex what do you think about us being soul mates?" I turn to face her watching her mouth open then close as her eyebrows furrowed. " At first I thought it was pretty bad considering are family's are practically enemies but now  I'm kinda glad your my mate I've never met someone like you and honestly, I like having you around your great company to have". Ok I did not expect that to come out of her mouth. At all. I took a step closer to her, our chests almost touching. I could feel her cool breath tickling my chin and neck. "I really like being around you too, you make me feel alive, and right now I really want to kiss you", she looked at me with a slight smirk and leaned up to put her lips by my ear. "Then what's stopping you?" The way she spoke had me practically falling at my knees for her. I leaned in close seeing her lean in as well, our lips softy brushed together about to make contact.

-ding ding ding-
-ding ding ding-

We stepped away from each other to see that Her phone was beeping. There goes that perfect kiss... " Damn it Kol I'm really sorry it's my brothers there's at my house looking for me", of course the damn Salvatore brothers mess up everything. Looking down at the floor in anger I tell her it's fine, " no Kol please don't be upset with me it was just bad timing I-", " just go before your brother come looking for you". "Kol just please listen to me I really-", I speed off back to the mansion before she can finish her sentence. As I change clothes and lay on my bed I can't help but think of what could have happened if they didn't interrupt us.

Alexandra's P.O.V-

Ugh I can't believe that just happened I finally get the chance to see if he likes me and my brothers just had to ruin it. I bet it's something about a plan to protect Elena I'm so done with all this shit. I look at the moon one more time before speeding off back  to my house.

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