Little Elena

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I wake up to the sound of banging on my door...Again.

What's with people waking me up with banging. Can't I ever wake up in peace? Lifting myself off the bed loudly groaning, I stumble out of bed speeding to the front door flinging it open while rubbing my eyes. "WHAT!?"
"Well aren't you rude", Rebekah spoke in her light accent. "What are you doing here Beks"? She sighed deeply before looking at me with stupidity, well damn. " I'm here to pick you up for school, also after school we have a lot to talk about something revolving a certain vampire. You may know him considering he's my brother and your soulmate"," how do you know, did Kol tell someone"?! " We were there when his mark appeared", "do Klaus and Elijah know"? She nodded her head yes. "Anyone else"? "Nope your little secret is safe with us, better hope Elena's little gang doesn't hear about this, they'll go right to her, then to your brothers." No I can't have anyone telling them it'll ruin everything. Maybe I can just snap the little doppelgängers neck, make her suffer a little? Nah that'll just get my brothers to hate me, I really don't need that right now...

"Hello are you listening?","Wha? Oh sorry, I'm just thinking." Rebekah rolled her eyes and gave me a small smile. "Don't worry them you always have us to back you up. Now go and get dressed we don't want to be late." I nodded and ran up the stairs taking a quick shower then throwing on my clothes. I ran down stairs to find Rebekah looking at the invitation from Kol...
"Wow my brother really does fancy you." I snatched it away before mumbling a quick shut up. "Come on let's get today over with." She smiled brightly and practically skipped to the car. "This'll show that stupid doppelgänger I have real friends." Rebekah whispered to herself, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that for now.

-hours later-

Me and Rebekah walk down the hall with our arms connected laughing at our past. "The looks on their faces were priceless" I chocked out with tears in my eyes." Hey it's not funny, I got weird looks for wearing trousers", "you wore trousers so girls today could dress half naked, good job Beks".  As we were walking we were suddenly interrupted by the sound of foot steps creeping behind us.

here we go...
"Alex? What are you doing with her"

I turned around to see Elena with her little squad behind her... well what's left of her squad considering Jeremy magically disappeared, Tyler has fled leaving poor Caroline distressed, and well Matt is just a normal human probably chilling out with his foot ball friends.

"What do you mean, what am I doing with her?" I ask plainly, " don't you know who that is? She's an original, you need to stay away from her, she's dangerous" Elena said glaring at Rebekah. " Look princess I know exactly who she is and I don't need or want you telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing". Elena looked at me shocked, Bonnie looked at me in disgust, and Caroline looked like she just wanted to leave before any conflict started, hmm smart girl.

"I-I'm just trying to look out for you, for Stefan and Damon's sake. They wouldn't want you anywhere near a Mikaelson". Oh great she's playing the innocent card. "Look don't play that crap with me",I spoke sharply. "What do you mean? Don't play what?" "You're seriously gonna act all innocent? As if you aren't ruining everyone's lives. Do me a favor and stop acting like you care about Stefan and Damon cause you don't. If you did you'd stop playing with them like toys. They may not always have their emotions turned on, but they still have hearts and if you keep playing around with them I'm going to rip that pretty little head of yours off  your body, and that's a promise".

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