Welcome to Mystic Falls

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It was around 8:00p.m, I had just got to my new house about 5 minutes ago. I'm was really tired so I just got on my pj's, took my clothes out for tomorrow and went to bed.


I was running in the woods but I wasn't scared I was laughing. I could hear him calling me but I didn't know who it was when I turned around he pulled me into a hug. When I looked at his face he was smiling, then I realized who it was...... Niklaus. After he hugged me he whispered in my ear "their back". "Who's back?" He sped away leaving me to wonder who they are.


I woke up to my alarm, sweating and panting but with a small smile. Klaus was my best friend or as I like to call him, my hybrid bestie, I was really excited to go to school, I ran into the shower and got ready for a day at school. Maybe I'll see Stefan today.


I woke up sad and angry. Today was the day my baby sister was killed by my father I couldn't even worry about Klaus and his family being revived yesterday. I heard the door open and Elena came in my room, she said " Stefan what are you still doing in bed we have to go" I looked at her and said "I'm not going today". She looked at me worried" is everything ok Stefan lately you have been very sad and bummed out, everyone's worried about you, their even worried about Damon". "Look Elena could you just leave me alone, today's the day my sister died in 1864".

She came up to me and gave me a hug "I'm so sorry Stefan, we will talk about this later everyone's coming by after school, so I'll see you then". After she left I walked down stairs to see Damon holding a photo of them together laughing. He always blamed himself for her death. I know how he feels, we should have protected her but it's to late now and I'll have to live with that forever.

Alexandra's P.O.V

When I finished taking I shower I put on my black tights with a white t-shirt and a jean vest with my black adidas. After I go on my mascara, eye liner and did my hair in messy curls. I headed out the door grabbing the keys to my dark red 1965 Mustang Fastback and headed to school.

I got to school with my book bag and glasses on and every one was looking at me, it was creepy but WHATEVER haters gonna hate, hehe I'm so funny. I walked into the office and got my schedule, then made my way to class. I knocked on the door when the teacher said "come in, class this is our new student Alexandra, you can sit next to Elena over there". I sat down next to Elena and she said "hi I'm Elena Gilbert nice to meet you" then I said with a smile "hi I'm Alexandra call me Alex or whatever " then I said "we should be friends, you shouldn't get on my bad side cause I will prank you till the point of insanity". Rule number one always make friends with a doppelgänger so she doesn't come and stab you in the back. She looked at me weirdly and said "ok friends it is, but can I ask you a question ?" "sure" I said "why are you wearing sunglasses?" I looked at her and said "I have heterochromia so my eyes aren't really normal and most people get weirded out so I just wear sun glasses so they shut up about it". I took them off and showed her my blue and green eyes, she looked at me and smiled " your eyes are so pretty I've never seen any thing like it, but why are they like that" I said "I don't know I just say it's because I have two brothers one of them has blue eyes and the the other has green eyes"."Hey that's so weird, I know two brothers who have blue and green eyes, one of them is my boyfriend you should meet him soon, they would like you", "cool". Then the teacher asks me to tell them something about my self so I said "my names Alex Savior, I like to paint and I love pie. But don't get on my bad side cause I'm very good with pranks and I'm pretty violent... just a warning" I smirked and at down as Elena snickered.

At lunch I was in the art room painting some trees when Elena came up to me. " Alex come on I want you to meet my friends". With that said she pulled my arm out of the art room and into the lunch room, I still had the paint brush in my hand at the time. They all looked at me and Elena said "Alex this is Bonnie, Matt and Caroline, guys this is Alex . They all said hi and I said hi back. Before I left I painted Elena's cheek and told her not to mess with me when I'm painting and I left back to the art room.

Elena's P.O.V

I started to laugh with the rest of the group as I tried to get the paint off her cheek. "I like her she seems funny and badass" said Caroline. Then I said smiling " yeah she threatened the whole class to not mess with her or she would prank them it was really funny". " Oh so she's the one who everyones talking about". We all smiled at the thought of our new friend and went back to class ,then over to the boarding house.

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