Enough is enough

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So I started school I never have time for anything I don't even get to watch tv. Looks like I'll be writing during the night like a weirdo.

Alexandra P.O.V-

This is complete bullshit I was THIS CLOSE to kissing him, it's gonna be so awkward now ughhh. That's going to be a fun conversation at the ball. Wait does this mean he doesn't want me to be his date? I hope not. I take one last look at the glistening moon the memories of Kol flash throughmy head like a movie. As I start to walk away I can't help but think what would of happened if we weren't interrupted before speeding off in the direction from which we came.

As I reach my house I stop and stand behind a tree seeing my brothers on the porch arguing about who know what, bet it's about Elena again. I let out a sigh of frustration before walking out from the wood and up the small path to my house, the boys looking at me hearing my footsteps behind them. "Well you sure took your sweet time" Damon spoke with a snappy sarcastic tone, "shut up and get to the point, what the hell do you want" the annoyance was clear in my voice not wavering once. "Well someone's a little grumpy, did we interrupt your little adventure into the woods?" A deep anger starts to fill me up as the words fall out Damon's mouth, he still treats me like a child. "If I were you I'd shut up and get to the point, your pissing me off and I've only been here a day"I speak with slight venom laced in my voice, "fine don't get so pissy, we came to talk about this Mikaelson ball, the Mikaelsons are-", " I know who they are and all about the ball"I speak in a bored tone, do they think I'm stupid or something. "Wait how do you know who the are and about the ball?" Stefan speaks with a hint of confusion, "there the first vampire to ever walk the earth, of course I know about them, plus I'm going to the ball, they invited me". "Woah, woah, woah, you are not going to the ball and why are you even invited"? "Guys I'm going to the ball whether you like it or not, plus the whole town was invited and I'm apart of this town". " Fine what ever, lets get back on topic. Where here because Esther wants to see Elena during the ball, but we don't know why", "ok so why is this my problem"? " It's your problem cause your gonna help us watch Elena during the ball", excuse me oh hell no. "No". " What do you mean no?!" Damon asked stupidly. " I mean no, I literally just got here today and everything already about some doppelgänger who I haven't even known for a whole day, not to mention I don't even like her. She's weak and annoying, she's also using the two of you, and for you guys to come here and interrupt what I was doing cause you want me to watch some chick is absolutely infuriating. I can't believe you had the nerve to even ask that knowing my hatred for doppelgängers, I don't care how many times you say she's nothing like Katherine, their all the same. Just leave now cause this is just insane". I looked up at them to see them frowning and shaking there head anger and disappointment written all across their faces. I don't even care at this point, they will know I'm right when she breaks their hearts for a second time.

The sound of a familiar whoosh fills my ears bringing me from my thoughts, unbelievable they're choosing her again. I shake my head in sadness, walking into my house slamming the door shut.



Looks like there will be lots of drama during school and the ball


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