The witches house

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I quickly took another shower and threw on a red jumper that said love along with blue jeans, a black beanie, black vans, and some fake glasses along with some gold rings, I didn't feel like putting on earrings so I just left them on the dresser. I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. As I waited for the coffee I started to think of all the scenarios that could happen when I tell the witches about the mark. The more I thought about it the more worried I became, panicked even. What if it's a curse, what if I get sick cause of it, what if I loose my memory cause of it, what if I DIE, I CANT DIE I haven't even lived 500 years yet I'm still to young I want to be as old as klaus and Elijah before I die and I'm not even half way through life yet. As I began panicking more and more the doing of a door bell knocked me out of my thoughts. I walked to the front and as I stood in front of the door I heard a swooshing sound... vampire. I quickly opened to see no one there but I looked down to see an envelope that said my name. I picked it up and looked outside once more before closing the door and walking back to the kitchen. I sat down on the counter and opened the letter...

Dear Miss Salvatore...

You are invited... bla bla bla

Mikaelson ball...BLA BLAH

Will you be my date? ... Bla bl-

Wait date?

"Alexandra will you do me the honor of being my date to the ball, maybe we can get to know each other better"


I didn't realize I was staring at the note for a couple of minutes till I heard the coffee bell ding. I grabbed the coffee pot quickly pouring my self a cup and chugging it down feeling it burning down my throat. Yup scalding hot coffee my favorite. I quickly put the cup in the sink, brushing my teeth quickly and headed out side leaving the invitation on the counter. I made my way to the witches house, thoughts filling my head once again along with panic. I soon found myself in front of the witch house with a frown on my face. I walked inside hearing the whispers fill my ears like a soft wind. I always found being with older witches comforting especially when they're dead.

As I walked into the main room where all the witches where burned the candles spread around the room began to light up and the whispers became louder. Then a voice spoke in a whisper " what brings you here Alexandra", "I'm hear to ask you a question, I woke up on the middle of the night with a feeling of want and pain. On my wrist I found the shape of a sun burned onto my skin but now it looks as if it was tattooed there. Can you tell me what this means I've never heard of anything like this and it fills me with panic, I'm always calm even in the most desperate of times of worry". I started to hear them murmuring amongst themselves but I caught some words but one word made me wonder. "Kol"

Why would they be talking about Kol, I soon spoke my words " why are you talking about Kol does he know something about this"? Then one of the witches spoke " child you have disobeyed nature many times but you always fix what is wrong and for that nature has given you the gift of a soul mate". I froze not knowing what to say, I thought they we're just a myth. "As a soul mate you will represent nature, since you get life from the sun you have been given the mark of a whole sun while your soul mate was given life by the moon in which he has the mark of a crescent moon. Kol is your soul mate, the more time you spend apart the more you will think of him and nature will pull you two together". That's when the shouting began, they yelled about how Kol should not be able to have a soul mate with his dark ways. The yelling became louder and louder till I just couldn't bare it any more and I sped out of the house with one thought on my mind

Kol is my Soul Mate...

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