Chapter 17. Steel Poker in My Brain

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Y/n admitting that something happened during the day sent a panic through my body. Last night she told me she'd explain everything that happened today. So we planned to have coffee together at her loft in Greenwich. I honestly don't know how I should feel about this. On one hand, I'm excited to finally see her place. To see her favorite things and what makes her house a home. You can learn a lot about someone from the way they decorate their home. On the other hand, I am worried about y/n. Every time I seem to think she's doing well, there's a small problem and she doesn't tell me about it right away. I know we've known each other for a little bit, but we've spent a lot of time together and I think it'd be safe to say we know each other well. With that being said, just because she doesn't tell me right away, doesn't mean she wouldn't tell me at all. Every time she wanted to tell me about something, she'd tell me. For someone who thinks we wouldn't work out, I'd say we already are. I just think we could be better. I just wish she'd call me immediately when these problems arise, not try to fix them by herself and struggle.

I know she grew up fixing not just her own problems, but everyone else's. She hasn't been able to rely on most people in her life. I know that she can rely on me, though. But I'm not sure how to prove that to her. It's one thing to say you're there for another person but to actually be there is another. She deserves the best in life, not to stress about everything. Especially if I can help it.

I can't help but think about her relationship with Dakota. Sure they're friends still, and even if I don't agree with that, I'll always support her in whatever she needs. I just can't help but be jealous when she chooses to confide in Dakota rather than me. I'm not saying that I'm glad her relationship with Dakota was tainted, I would never ever wish for something like that to happen to y/n. I'm just glad I have more opportunities to be there for y/n, even if it's in the same ways as Dakota. But I also want to know all the little things about her, like what her favorite color is...simple things like that. It doesn't always have to be so deep.

I text y/n that I'm on my way and head out to the car with my driver. She wasn't kidding when she said she lived close by. I'm definitely not mad about that. If anything, it gives me more opportunities to see her and who wouldn't want that?

Surprisingly enough, there aren't many people on the street, so I feel like a normal person walking up to her porch. My driver drives away as I make my way up to her door and knock. A few moments later, I'm greeted by her radiant smile and her vanilla woody perfume.

"Hi!" She says, stepping onto her porch to greet me. This time she's the one that pulls me into a hug which I am more than ecstatic about.

"Hey!" I say, holding her tightly.

"How are you," she asks, not pulling away just yet.

"I'm good! How are you?" I ask.

"I'm well!" She says, pulling away.

"So are we gonna play 20 questions or are you gonna invite me in?" I chuckle.

She laughs, taking my hand and walking me inside.

As soon as I step inside, her signature scent engulfs my senses and I smile. It's comforting knowing that this place is really her. That she doesn't share it with anyone.

 That she doesn't share it with anyone

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