Chapter 26. I Got You Babe.

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It's been almost a month since I've been back from Miami, and truth be told, things have been pretty normal. I think Taylor finally let the whole encounter with Amber go or completely forgot about it. Either way, I'm glad. Having to explain to her the entire history between us would be a nuisance and just thinking about it is kinda draining.

How do you even start that conversation anyway? My answer; you don't. Technically, I'm not lying, but I'm not exactly telling the full truth. Either way, I don't think it's really important for her to know...I mean, the past is in the past, right? Besides, I have no intention of seeing Amber for that matter, so unless Taylor decides to smack me around a bit, it's really not worth mentioning.

As for how Taylor's been doing, she's been fairly busy with her songwriting and has spent a lot of time in the studio these past couple of weeks. Not that I'm complaining, I completely understand that this is her job....but I'm complaining.

I miss spending every second with her. I know, I know I'm clingy as fuck for that, but she's my girlfriend for a reason...she just gets me. But she's been busy, so I haven't gotten to see her all that much, but we do talk every day. Her schedule is sorta similar to mine; she gets up early, is at work by 8 a.m., and has lunch around 1, then is back home by six or seven. Some nights, we spend together, but most nights, we sleep at our own place.

Honestly, if it was up to me, I'd have her at my place every night if she wanted. The nights we spend together, she's sometimes at my place, and I'm sometimes at hers. It's honestly pretty balanced with how often we spend at each other's places. I just wished there were more of those nights.

Our off days mostly line up. I'm off three days of the week, but it kinda varies on how busy I am. Taylor gets to pick her off days, so she matches hers with mine. Usually, on those days, we have dinner, watch a movie and maybe spend the night together. It all depends on what we have going on the next day because we're sometimes up all night if you catch my drift...

Kiara says we're 'on domestic shit,' but I'm not really complaining. Typically, I would if someone compared me to being even remotely close to domestic, but I'm actually enjoying this life with Taylor quite a lot. I think it's good that we both have our own spaces, but at the same time, at every chance we get, we're always with each other.

Right now, I'm at home editing some pictures for next month's magazine of artists. The magazine is supposed to be this new thing they're trying, but honestly, it's pretty boring. Thank god my job is to take the picture and not read or edit the feature, most of the stuff they talk about is pretty superficial.

A video call from the one and only Dakota Johnson interrupts me from my work, which is honestly a godsend at this point.

"Hey Dakota! How's life?" I ask, spinning around in my chair.

" Hey y/n! I'm doing good! I miss you a lot...I'm sure you might've guessed that already" she says lightheartedly, making me chuckle. It looks like she's cooking something, but I can't tell what.

"Hmm perhaps" I joke back.

"That's actually why I called you....How serious were you about me coming to New York?" she asks hesitantly.

"100% serious. I actually can't recall you ever being in New York it'd be cool for you to check out my place. I know I've sent you pictures, but it doesn't do justice to the real deal" I smile at her, picking up my phone to walk around the room. I can't help it, it just doesn't feel right to sit still when I'm talking on the phone.

"That's perfect, then! I actually have some meetings in New York in a few weeks. I have an upcoming project that's based in New York...would you mind if I stayed with you?" she asks cautiously.

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