Chapter 18. This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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Admittedly, I am starting to regret asking Taylor to get ready with me separately. I know I sound crazy 'rejecting' her, but I wanted to make this a perfect date for us by picking her up with the limo and doing everything formally for this special occasion, even if this isn't technically a date. I do miss her presence, though. Like a lot more than I'd like to admit. Maybe that makes me clingy or whipped or whatever, but after last night, she really showed me the kind of woman she is. Not a lot of people have seen me vulnerable like that. Plus, the fact that she actually stuck around even after I told her many times that she could go, proved to me just how much she genuinely cares about me.

Even this morning, she was hesitant to leave because of how bad my headaches were yesterday. To ensure her that I was going to be okay, I told her I'd take my medicine again. She insisted on making me breakfast though because I can't take the pills on an empty stomach. I only agreed if it was okay to help her. We didn't make her famous waffles, but rather an omelet with some potatoes and hot sauce. It kinda caught me off guard when she agreed that hot sauce was good with eggs, but she said she also enjoys it with different kinds of meat, especially steak.

We talk about how tonight is supposed to go. When we arrive, she can either mingle with people or hang by me while I take pictures and conduct a few interviews. She insists on staying with me the whole night, but I keep giving her the option to opt out and talk to other people, mainly because I don't want her to get bored. I do go ahead and send a pic of my outfit to Kiara before I head out.

 I do go ahead and send a pic of my outfit to Kiara before I head out

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Hey! I'm on my way to pick up Tay now and then I'm heading to the gala :)


OMG YES!!!! Fuck it up Y/m/n! But only in a good way!😆💛

When the clock strikes 8, I head out to the limo that's waiting for me outside and pull up to Taylor's place and make my way up the elevator so I can walk her out. I'm so thankful that she gave me a code so that I can drop by whenever. I suppose she's also dropping little hints that she trusts me the same way I am with her.

As I make my way to the living room and see a few of her stylists packing up their materials, I catch her checking herself out in the mirror making sure she looks flawless, which obviously she does. As I slowly approach her from behind, her eyes catch mine lingering in the mirror and she spins around quickly.

"Y/n!!! I was supposed to surprise you!!" She whines, exaggeratedly, making me laugh. I can see her checking me out multiple times in the few seconds it takes for us to approach each other, but we don't talk about that. She engulfs me in a tight hug that I have no problem reciprocating. 

Maybe cause she notices me also checking her out...maybe I should take this tension a step further...

"I wanted to surprise you, Tay! And my God, you are so fucking hot!" I say full of confidence, making her blush profusely. I honestly have no idea where that confidence came from, maybe from the fact that I get to spend the evening with Taylor fucking Swift, but I'm really not complaining about it.

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