Chapter 44. What Becomes of the Brokenhearted (Part 2)

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"You know these are carnations, baby, not roses?" I struggle to contain my laughter as my girlfriend holds flowers out in front of me with a shocked but disappointed expression on her face.

"I love them, though! This is a really cute gesture, babe!" I try to rejuvenate so she doesn't feel bad.

"Sorry... I guess I wasn't really paying attention." She chuckles awkwardly in an attempt to hide her pout.

Truth be told, I love them even more because she thought of me in the first place. I know she says that I'm always on her mind, but it always drives me crazy in the best possible way to see the effect I have on her even if it's from something as simple as flowers.

"Baby, I love them!... But I love you even more" I flirt, leaning over the kitchen counter to kiss her lips. I kiss her again a few times more playfully, before pulling away to see my favorite smile beaming on her face.

"I'll go get some water for these," She says softly, a little blush evident on her face.

When she turns around to search the cabinets, I can't help but check her out. What? It's a reflex at this point...

God, her ass looks fucking amazing.... and that body, my god! And she's all mine!

"There's a few kolaches in the box on the counter there... I picked them up on my way back... Don't worry, I got you an apple fritter too. I know it's your favorite..." She says as she concentrates on reaching for a vase on the top shelf of the cabinet.

I stand up from my stool and make my way into the kitchen behind her. I must startle her because I see her shoulder jump, making me chuckle.

"Jesus, Taylor! Don't sneak up on me like that!" She laughs.

As I reach up for the vase, my front presses to her back, making her breath hitch. I hide the smirk that's on my face, but it only grows when I bring the vase down and trail my other hand lower on her back, then firmly gripping her ass, making her gasp.

She doesn't say anything right away until I hand her the vase, but not before kissing her lips again. When she turns to the sink to fill it up with water, I can see the growing smile on her face.

"Sometimes I think you put things in high places on purpose..." She mumbles, making me chuckle.

"Hmm..... That's a theory I'm willing to test" I flirt, making my way behind her again, planting my hands on the counter beside her. I move even closer, pressing my breasts against her back because I know how much she likes that.

"Are you?" I whisper before kissing her ear and biting the shell of it softly. I lightly graze it with my tongue before kissing down the back of her neck and planting kisses all around her shoulders. Inch by inch, I can see the goosebumps begin to form on her skin.

She turns in my arms, looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"Are you, like, horny all the time?" She teases, making me laugh out loud.

"For you" I wriggle my eyebrows playfully, making her chuckle.

She moves from under me and sets two plates down on the counter for the both of us. She walks back over to the cabinets to get a glass of water before offering me one. I shake my head 'no' and I offer her a cup of coffee as I pour myself one, but she also shakes her head 'no'.

"No coffee today? I thought I changed you..." I tease as I make my way to sit next to her.

"No... It makes my head hurt...well, at least the smell does." She shrugs, placing a kolache on her plate.

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