Chapter 43. What Becomes of the Brokenhearted (Part 1)

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As Taylor sleeps soundly next to me, I can't help but lie awake thinking of the events that might unfold tonight. Today is Dakota's Halloween party, and I haven't talked to her since I've been in LA. Granted, I've only been here for maybe 24 hours now, I like to spend that time with my stunning girlfriend. Yes, that time was spent with us having sex in pretty much every room of her mansion, but who would pass that up to talk to a friend about controversial issues that have caused problems within our relationship?

Speaking of controversial topics, Taylor is still going to Dakota's party with me. I'm honestly glad that she is, but I'm also kind of worried about any tension between her and Dakota. But I don't know why. All the tension seems to be within my and Dakota's relationship, at the moment.

I know she said to call her and talk things over, but every call we had, we kind of danced around the topic. I guess it's really not an issue to discuss over the phone because it can be deemed as unsympathetic.

I don't know if she's still trying to manipulate the situation with Calum and my dad and rejecting Taylor's help, but I suppose we're gonna clear all of that up today. I did, however, see her trying to manipulate my career by springing the idea of me working for her ex-boyfriend. I don't know what she expects from that proposition, but I've already expressed my lack of interest in that department.

That unexpected email did raise some red flags for me about Dakota, and now I'm questioning her intentions. I know she says she wants what's best for me, but I really don't get why she'd want me to work for her ex-boyfriend. What does she gain from that? What is she up to?

Stop thinking so much! It's literally 5 in the morning!

I roll over to my side, and immediately, I feel Taylor's arms wrap around my body, clinging to me tightly.

I'm glad Dakota is allowing Taylor to come with me. It'd be messed up if she didn't. I guess this is her way of supporting Taylor and me, but I don't really know. I just give credit where credit is due.....

I glance over at the clock and let out a sigh when I see it's only been thirty minutes since I woke up. I know Taylor would probably want to sleep in today and get up around 9 or 10, leaving me with a big chunk of time to myself. 


Or... Maybe I can kiss her gently to wake her up..... She did tell me she wants me whenever...Sex would definitely kill some time...

I turn over in her arms and kiss the tip of her nose. Getting no reaction whatsoever, I shift my body downward and kiss her collarbone gently. I push her on her back softly, but her eyes still don't open. I move to kiss under her jaw then trail up to her ear slowly and softly, waiting to hear her morning voice speak up, but no dice.

Y/n, stop! Let your girlfriend sleep! You horndog....

I let out a sigh and lean back away from her. Letting my girlfriend sleep, I decide that since I'm up, I should stay that way, seeing as how I'm a goddamn insomniac and I sabotage my own happiness.

I know Taylor said never to let her wake up without me next to her, but I have about five more hours before she does... Unless her spidey senses start tingling to let her know I'm not there...

I crawl out of bed and grab my clothes to change into for the day. I make my way out of the bedroom, but not before giving Taylor a quick kiss on her head. As soon as I open the door, I see Meredith's judgemental stare as she sits directly in front of our door. When I reach down to pet her, she hisses at me and then runs away.

Okay, fuck you too...

I head down the hall and walk into the kitchen. I know Tay would be mad at me if I didn't eat something, especially so I could take my medicine, so I check the cabinets and pantry for anything good. Acknowledging the fact that we live in New York and not LA, I understand why there is not a lot of food in this house.

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