Chapter 21. I Heard a Rumor...

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"How the hell are you able to keep running? This is exhausting!" Taylor pants as she runs on the treadmill beside me. Normally I'd laugh at her comments, but I'm also out of breath.

Her home gym is top-tier, of course. Kinda foolish of me to think it would be anything less than that. Last night, I stayed over again, nothing happened, but I do feel much closer to her than I was before. I knew I had to tell her about racing eventually, but it still felt really soon. I'm not sure if promising her that I wouldn't race again was the right move, mostly because I don't make promises I can't keep, but also because racing is a big part of who I am...or was, now.

I think that Taylor could help me not race. Truth be told, I never really had a problem with it. I wasn't 'addicted' or anything like that. I just loved how it made me feel, and it just so happened to help pay my bills. We didn't fully dive into why I like racing so much, seeing how it's extremely dangerous, but it's also kind of a  rough subject. I've never talked about it with anyone but Key and Dakota. I know Calum would think it's so cool that I can race for money, but truth be told, I don't want him trying to be like me. Number one, because he can be very impulsive, and number two, he's a bit careless and reckless, which brings the danger level off the charts. I'm glad I'm able to talk to Taylor about it, though. Granted, I wasn't planning on it at all, but I'm happy I did. We didn't dive too deep into that subject because I think she could tell I was getting a little uncomfortable, but I think if Taylor wanted to take that deep dive with me, I'd go there with her. I just needed a little time to get used to the idea of her knowing.

And speaking of going there with her...I think I'm also ready to go there with her...

It doesn't help that she's in a tank top and very short shorts...her perfectly tanned long legs and her toned arms glistening with a thin layer of sweat that enhances her beauty so perfectly...her unsteady breathing next to me...

It's honestly a miracle how I'm able to keep running at all, my attention is so focused on her, I could trip and fall at any given moment.

"I did a duathlon with my brother and Key fourscore forever ago when I graduated from nursing school. I guess I kept in shape, but definitely not enough to do it again." I chuckle, slowing down the treadmill to match her warm-down pace.

"Yeah, I would never do that, running is a no for me. The only reason why I'm doing this right now is to impress you, but I don't think it's working." She laughs.

I stop my treadmill and hop off so I can turn to face her.

"Taylor, I don't think you understand that almost anything you do is impressive. With all that you've accomplished and the obstacles you overcame in life, I honestly aspire to be like you." I say seriously because it really is the truth.

She stops her treadmill to look at me. I can't tell what she's thinking, but she's beyond pensive.  She steps off and takes a step toward me.

"Baby, you have no idea what you do to me." She says softly, her voice sounding more sincere, her breath still unsteady.

"Hmm. How about you tell me?" I grin.

"No, y/n. I like to show, not tell." She quips back, pulling me into her.

"Oh yeah?" I chuckle, closing the distance between us.

"Hell yeah." She grins, kissing my lips firmly. I can feel her arms move around my shoulders, but I pull them back down. Normally, I'd be all about intensive making out with Taylor, but I'm all sweaty and gross right now.

I pull away from her with a soft smile, one that she houses as well.

"I um... I'm sorry, I'm all sweaty and gross" I chuckle awkwardly.

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