Chapter 8

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What do I enchant to make myself talk? 

Brightness pondered over this for a while. Nothing Destroyer would notice. And the other dragon, the one with four wings. She wasn't sure what to think of her. She was annoying, and buzzed with questions and curiosity and ARGH WHY COULDN'T SHE JUST LEAVE BRIGHTNESS ALONE.

Not a rock, Brightness decided. Or a stick. That can get destroyed too easily. But it doesn't have to be permanent. I need my spell to work even if the object is destroyed. 

So what was there to enchant? 

Brightness's talons stiffened in their tight binds.

Aha, She thought. I know just what to enchant.


Visioner was the first one awake. He noticed that Mink's wings were rested on top of him, and her head was pushed against his neck. He'd somehow unfurled from his ball, which didn't happen often, and his tail was entangled with Mink's. Slightly flustered, he eased away from the IceWing, and stood up, yawning. 

He stretched his wings, and turned to look at his friends.

And then someone thumped down behind him. 

He whirled around and almost screamed, but he stopped as he recognized who it was. 

"Hi, Visioner," Anemone said, touching down besides him. "Wow, you're jumpy."

"Anemone." Visioner almost fainted with relief. "I thought you were someone dangerous."

"I can be dangerous," Anemone sniffed, fluffing out her wings. "Did I mention how I might have destroyed the entire world alongside a two-thousand-year-old NightWing animus who could read minds and see the future? But I didn't, obviously," She said quickly, looking at the horrified face Visioner was making. "Or you wouldn't be here. But I guess it was Turtle who saved me."

"Um..." Visioner blinked, not sure whether he should be terrified or relieved. "I'll wake the others. And then maybe you could tell us why you're here."

He shook Mink gently, and she murmured a sleepy complaint before opening her sky-blue eyes.

"You're already awake," Mink said with another yawn. "Wake up, Tamarin. It's already morning- Oh, hi, Anemone. Why's Anemone here?"

"Anemone?" Tamarin woke up, stretching. 

"I went to your cave, but you weren't there," Anemone told Tamarin. "And then I went to see if Visioner was there, because I suspected you both went out to find Brightness, and I was right."

"So you just followed us here?" Mink asked. "That's...amazing."

"Well, I borrowed one of Turtle's magic things and tracked you here." Anemone shrugged. Visioner spotted a coral stick in her talons, and it seemed to be thrashing violently. Anemone let go on accidentally, and Tamarin yelped as it poked her lightly before settling back into Anemone's claws. "See?"

"That would be useful-" Visioner started thoughtfully, but he was cut off by a familiar roar of anger. His heart leaped, and he snapped his head around wildly. 

Because there was no doubt that the roar belonged to Destroyer.

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