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I do not own TMNT! I only own my stories, my ideas, and my characters!

You have been working for the Foot ever since you left Japan. The reason you left was because you wanted to get away from the Foot ninja, but now you are being forced to work for them. If you were ever given the chance to escape, you would take it in a heart beat, but as of right now, you needed to play nice with the Shredder. Hopefully once you get on his good side, you'll have a better chance at escape.


You just heard from Karai that the Shredder's enemies have been spotted wondering the city. Now is your chance to get on the Shredder's good side. If you play things just right, you could be that much closer to freedom.

Karai led you, and a large proportion of the Foot out onto the roof tops and commanded, "You search that side of the city, you search that side, and the rest of you are with me." She directed with her hands. Unfortunately, you were a part of the group that was supposed to go with her, you guessed that it would be much harder to sneak off if Karai was there.

After the other two groups took off, she looked over the remaining ninjas with approval. "Alright, let's get moving," she said before she took off running.

You were able to follow Karai and the rest of the Foot with ease, they would jump from roof top to roof top, and you would do the same. Eventually, Karai had motioned for you and the rest of the Foot to keep still. You were confused at first, but then you heard a group of voices a few buildings away.

"When I say Pizza, you say Pizza! Pizza..."



"Oh c'mon, Raph. Don't leave me hanging," a boyish voice whined.

"Leave me alone, Mikey" the other voice growled. You guessed that was Raph. You were at the very back of the clan, so you weren't able to see who the voices belonged to. Karai continued to make hand gestures, which led the Foot ninjas closer and closer to the mysterious voices. You didn't realize how close you had gotten until you heard an ear crushing scream.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The boyish voice pleaded.

"I told you to shut up you little..." The voice known as Raph was cut off by another voice.

"Raph, leave Mikey alone." A third voice sighed in annoyance.

"But, Donnie... He started it."

"Enough, Raph." Another voice demanded. That voice sounded a lot more mature compared to the other three voices. He must be the eldest of the four, you thought to yourself.

"Fine," the voice known as Raph grumbled.

Immediately after their little argument, Karai made a gesture for the foot to close in on the target. Those voices must be the Shredder's enemies, but why? "They sounded like kids," you thought to yourself.

You followed behind the rest of the Foot clan, when suddenly you heard a gasp.

"Hey, guys. We've got company," the third voice said in a panicky tone.

Suddenly, the sound of metal being unsheathed surrounded the scene. The Foot had gotten into their battle stance, and awaited Karai's command. You unsheathed your single katana, ready to fight those voices. You were going to prove you were worthy of the Shredder's trust, and then you were going to use that to your advantage, and finally escape his grasp.

"Be ready," the mature voice said almost inaudibly.

"Get them," Karai shouted.

The battle had started. Metal was being clashed against metal, grunts and growls were being echoed across the roof tops, this was a battle zone.

One by one, the Foot ninjas were falling. The Foot clan would lose if you didn't do something soon. You gripped your katana tightly and ran towards your target. You had to fight, you had to win, your freedom depended on it. As you made your way to your target, he quickly spun around and blocked your attack. Your eyes instantly met each others.

A turtle?

He seemed to notice your confusion, for he looked at you a little skeptically. How could someone like you be a part of the foot, but never seen a mutant? In truth, you have never seen a mutant. You were always locked up in your room, and brought to the dojo for training. You've only seen Karai a few times, and you've never even seen the Shredder. You have only heard stories about the Shredder, that's why you had to do everything in your power to get him to trust you. Maybe if he trusted you, you would be allowed to leave your room, to leave the dojo, to leave TCRI. Only then, would you make your escape.

After you snapped out of your little trance, you pushed back on the blue clad turtle's twin katanas. Being a little out of it himself, he was pushed backwards. He was still a little shocked by you. How could you be working for the Foot? He just had a feeling that you weren't exactly on the Shredder's side.

He ran up to you and swiped both of his blades, but you stopped them with your own blade. The other turtles were busy knocking down the remaining of the Foot, when the blue one decided to say something.

"Why are you working for the Shredder?" You were a bit confused as to why he was talking to you, but for some reason you didn't want to lie.

"I don't have a choice," you said being sure nobody else, but him, heard you.

"Everyone has a choice," he grunted as he blocked another one of your attacks.

"Well. I. Don't." You said in between swipes of your katana.

"Why," he continued while blocking your every move.

"I.." You were lost for words. The truth is, you didn't know if your escape plan would ever succeed, but you needed to try. The turtle managed to back you up onto the ledge while you were lost in though, and he held his katanas to your chest.

"Why," he repeated. You looked at the blade, then back at him.

"Because, it's the only way I know how to escape. Even if I fail... At least I tried." You said with a shaky voice, tears threatning to spill. You had no idea why you were getting so emotional, you guessed you must have realized how crazy your plan sounded.

The turtle looked at you with sympathy before he lowered his weapon. "Come with us," he whispered.

"What," you said while wiping away the one stray tear.

"Come with us," he said louder. The fighting seemed to blend into the background, for you could no longer hear it. You were now focusing on what the young mutant was saying to you.

"B-but... I..." You quickly looked over at Karai, who was now focused on fighting the turtle with the red mask.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll protect you." You couldn't help but show a small, appreciative smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Fearless."

There you have it, folks! My first one shot! This is just a little something to give this book a kick start, which means that the rest is up to you guys!

Either pm me or comment a pairing, a scenario, etc. and I'll make it happen! Just give me a little room for my own imagination *chuckles*

Thanks for reading!

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