Hot Head

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I do not own TMNT! I only own my stories, my ideas, and my characters!

Name: Ariel
Looks: Black hair with red streaks, brown eyes with brown flecks
Outfit: Skinny jeans and baggy t-shirts

Today was just not a good day. The young teen stomped her way down the apartment steps, and marched her way towards home. She was supposed to have one last practice with her band before their first gig, but they were all acting like a bunch of morons! She may have been the drummer, but she was the one who created the band! She was the one who organized all of the practices, she was the one who got the gig in the first place! Yet they continued to act like jerks! If it wasn't for her, then there'd be no band! "Aargh," she cursed to the sky as she continued to angrily stomp her way home. "Ha! Have fun trying to stay on beat without me!" She muttered to no one in particular. She tucked her drumsticks in the back pocket of her black, skinny jeans and hid her clenched fists in her jacket pocket. Her black hair was flowing against the wind, her red streaks giving the appearance of flames dancing in the wind against her black curls. Her green eyes were glowing with rage, and her brows were furrowed intently.

Blinded by rage, she didn't hear the sounds of multiple pairs of feet trailing behind her.

"Hey, Sugar," a threatening voice clicked at her. She immediately snapped out of her never ending cycle of pure hatred, and began to panic. "How could I have missed this," she questioned herself. She quickened her pace, hoping the creeps would get the message and back off. She was just about to turn the corner when she was suddenly grabbed from behind and slammed into a wall. She flinched away from the wall with a grunt.

"Hey, babe. We don't like being ignored," the creep chuckled darkly. After catching the breath that was knocked out of her, the young girl looked up and glared at her assailant.

"Get. The. Hell. Off." She enunciated slowly. The first goon had his hands on her shoulders, and he was holding her against the wall.

"This one's got a mouth on 'er," the second creep said with a wry smile. The girl switched her glare to him, oh how she wanted to smack the grin right off of his grubby face. The first creep tightened his grip on the girl's shoulder to get her attention. He seemed like the type who liked to be the center of attention, for the other two goons seemed to roll their eyes at one another. She returned her glare to the first guy with a growl.

"Are you deaf? I said to get the HELL off of me," she repeated.

"I heard you, just don't care." He grinned.

"Well, then I'll repeat myself once more. Get. Off. Of. Me!" She screeched as she jabbed the man in the gut with her drumsticks. The man immediately released his grip and buckled over in pain. She took the chance to knee him in the face, and run past the other two creeps while they just stood there in shock. Those two were definitely not the brains of the group.

She sped down the sidewalk in a full on sprint, and made a sharp turn around the corner. Just when she thought she was safe, she suddenly heard yelling coming up from behind her. She looked over her shoulder with wide eyes. It was the Purple Dragons, again! She cursed to herself before picking up the pace. She didn't want to deal with those goons, again. With another sharp turn, she sped down an alley hoping to lose them; unfortunately for her, she trapped herself in a dead end. "No, no, no, no!" She panicked. The sounds of mischievous chuckles and footsteps surrounded her. She closed her eyes tightly and held in her breath, waiting for whatever was to come next. A flash of cold air made it's way across the back of her neck, causing her to shiver slightly. Expecting those unforgettable, grubby hands to clamp down on her delicate shoulders once again, but to her surprise, there was no contact. In fact, the only thing that was happening, was the loud grunts and wheezing noises making their way to her ears. It sounded like a fight! A fight at which she didn't want to be a part of. She flinched suddenly at the crack of someone being thrown against the wall, and immediately crumpling to the floor. With her eyes still shut and her back towards the entrance of the alley, the girl's fists tightened around her drum sticks that she realized were still in her possession. She may not want to be a part of the fight, but there was no way she was going to stand there helplessly.

Once the fighting died down, footsteps began to make their way towards her. Her breathing picked up, as she awaited for her moment to strike. The heavy footsteps stopped right behind her. Now was her chance.

"Hey..." The husky voice began. Before he could finish his sentence, the girl spun around and shot up her arm, with her drumsticks in hand, meaning to strike down the stranger in an instant. Unfortunately for her, his reflexes were much faster than she could have ever imagined, for her wrist was caught in mid air, nearly centimeters away from his masked face.

"Watch where you swing those things," the well built, green, mask wearing man said in annoyance. The girl couldn't help but flush as she eyed his well toned biceps. "You're not going to try and hit me again, are you?" The young mutant said with a slight smirk.

"Umm..." The girl was lost for words. Losing patients, the mutant released his grip on her arm with an eye roll. Her arm immediately dropped to her side.

"You know, the polite thing to do would be to thank the one who saved your butt instead of gawking at them." That seemed to snap the girl out of her trance.

"Oh, right! Sorry! I didn't mean to stare, it's just that..." She spoke quickly.

"I'm a turtle." She looked into his eyes, noticing the frown that began to form on his face.

"Yeah," she answered honestly. That didn't seem to be the answer that he was looking for, because he began to turn around and walk further away.

"You should get home before more Purple Dragons show up," the way he said it almost made it sound like he was trying to make up excuses so he could leave. She frowned slightly with guilt before deciding to stop him from going any further.

"Wait!" He turned his head towards her. "Please, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I was surprised but..." She cut herself off. "My name is Ariel." He turned all the way around to face her, he looked down at her with curiosity. She sighed in relief when he turned back around.

"Raphael," was all he said.

Thanks for saving me, Raphael." Ariel said with a sincere smile as she brushed her curls away from her face. Raphael was silent for a moment before he blurted out:

"It was nothing. Listen, I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got more important things to be doing," he said while avoiding her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." She said as he climbed up the fire escape, and disappeared up onto the roof. With a small smile, she left the alley and started making her way home. He probably would never admit it, but before he left, she noticed the huge blush spread across his cheeks.

She never realized it, but from the roof tops a certain hot head was keeping an eye on her to make sure she made it home safely.


Sorry for taking so long to write this! I've been very busy with midterms, and final essays! Gaah, post secondary will be the death of me...

So, how did you like this one? Also, thank you for the request! I had so much fun writing this one! I took a bit of creative liberty on her hair. I wasn't sure what style her hair was, so I just went with curly!

Thanks for reading!

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