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I do not own TMNT! I only own my stories, my ideas, and my characters!


My father was a very well known scientist in the biology department, but recently he has been widening his research spectrum, and started looking at more than just human DNA. He started to focus on genetic mutations of all species. My father was so intrigued by all of the different mutations, that he started to try and figure out whether he could encourage a mutation in specific DNA samples. He told me that if he could crack the genetic code of mutations, then he'd be able to do great things. Who knows, maybe in a 100 years, humans would be able to live longer with the research he was trying to accomplish.

I knew that his research was very important to a lot of people, but I never would have thought that someone would want to kidnap him for it. My father always did tell me that his research was worth a lot, but I always thought that meant someone was trying to buy it off of him, not steal it.

While visiting my father in the lab, he suddenly told me that he had to go pick up some DNA samples that he ordered. For some reason they wouldn't deliver it straight to his lab, so he was forced to go all the way to the other side of town to pick them up. He's been waiting to get his hands on these samples for months, so he was very eager to get them right away. While he was off collecting the samples, I was told to stay here and watch the centrifuge. I honestly have no idea why I was watching the stupid thing, all it was doing was spinning around a few test tubes. It's not like it was going to randomly combust, and blow up the entire lab. But I didn't want to get in the way of my father's research, so I said I would keep an eye on things. He was very grateful, and left the lab with a bounce to his step. I could never imagine how he would get so excited over DNA.

While I was supervising the centrifuge, out of no where a group of similarly dressed males came crashing into the lab. They muttered something that was incomprehensible to me, then they marched right in and started smashing the place to bits. Without thinking, I yelled for them to stop, but they had other plans.

I was suddenly grabbed by my forearm, and dragged out of the lab. It was official, I was being kidnapped. I tried to wriggle out of the stranger's tight grip, but my every movement was futile. I was trapped. I was eventually dragged outside of the building, where there were more of the creeps just standing around with guns. Guns? What the hell is going on? Who are these guys? I started to look around frantically for a means of escape, but found nothing. This is it. I'm going to be kidnapped for my father's research. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I was roughly pushed into the back of a white van, and before I could get the chance to jump out, the door was locked shut. Great. I attempted to kick the back door off of it's hinges but it was no use, I wasn't strong enough. I slumped down to the floor, and wrapped my weak arms around my knees. I would never be able to get out of here, and I knew it all too well. I'm done for. I bent my head down, and rested my forehead against my knees as I let a sob wrack through my body. The salty tears making their way down my cheeks, and now staining my knees. What else was there for me to do besides cry?

As I continued to cry, something made a loud bang outside of the van doors. The sound of guns being fired was soon to follow. What the? I wiped away my tears, and attempted to hear what was going on just beyond the doors. It sounded as if something was being beaten against metal, and something was making an awful screeching noise. I crinkled my nose at the sound.

Suddenly, all the noise ceased. Was it over? I crawled over the door, meaning to try and open it once more but before I could reach it, the door was already being pulled open. I looked up at whomever pried the door open, with my arm still stretched outwards, and I was truly shocked.

It was a turtle!

"Umm... Hi?" The purple masked turtle asked suddenly.

"Hi," I said awkwardly with my arm still reaching for the door.

"Well.. Umm.. You're safe now." He said while scratching the back of his head with an awkward chuckle.

"Thanks," I said as I shifted my position and made my way to get out of the vehicle. The turtle backed up as I did so, clearly he was trying to keep his distance.

"Do you know why the Kraang were after you?" He asked suddenly.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name first," I said with a cheeky grin making it's way to my lips.

"Oh, yes, of course." He stuttered. "My name is Donatello."

"My name is Cleo, and the " Kraang" were most likely looking for my dad but I was here instead." Donatello seemed to be pondering what I had just said.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your father's field of study?"

"Genetic mutations," I said simply. His eyes seemed to widen at my words.

"It's not safe for you here. The Kraang already know about your father's lab, and there's no telling when they'll be back." He paused suddenly and put his hand to his chin as if he were trying to find a solution to a very difficult problem. "Do you live around here, or do you have somewhere safe to go?" He continued.

"Yes, I live on 2nd street," I replied. He nodded.

"Would it be alright if I escorted you home? You know, to make sure the Kraang don't follow you." Nice save, Donatello.

"Sure," I agreed with a small smile. He smiled back before leading me in the direction of my apartment.


On the way to my apartment, I got to really know Donatello. He told me about him and his brothers being ninjas, and that they had been protecting New York from things like the Kraang for a while now. I told him that people should appreciate what they do, but Donatello was too modest. He said that all that matters is that everyone is safe, and that him and his brothers don't need any credit. I also learned that Donatello was pretty smart, and that he was really into science and inventing. Unfortunately for me, science wasn't really in my blood like it was for my dad, but Donatello didn't seem to mind.

As soon as we made it to my building, Donatello and I began to say are goodbyes.

"Thanks again for saving me," I said with a tint to my cheeks.

"It was no trouble at all," Donatello said with a slight blush as well.

"I wish there was a way I could repay you," I said suddenly.

"There's no need to repay me," He began to get flustered and started to babble incoherently. He was really cute when he didn't know what to say. I slowly walked up to him while he was distracted by his feet, I stood up on the tips of my toes and kissed the side of his chin. That seemed to shut him up. I backed away slowly with a slight blush painted across my cheeks.

"Good night, Donatello," I said before rushing away to my apartment. I originally wanted to kiss him on the cheek but I was too short compared to Donatello; therefore, I couldn't reach. "I hope he doesn't think I'm a dork for kissing his chin," I thought to myself as I entered my apartment building.

What I didn't realize was that Donatello was still standing in the alley as he held the side of his face where I placed a kiss with an awestruck look on his face.

Isn't Donnie just the cutest!

Thanks for reading!

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