Electric Crush

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I do not own TMNT! I only own my stories, my ideas, and my characters!

Name: Melody
Age: 15
Personality: Hot-head (sometimes), nice, funny, helpful
Looks: Creamy beige skin, fire colored hair, leopard ears, tail, and teeth (human form, but can transform into a leopard).
Powers: Speed, fire, and lightning
Weapon: Has a whip that can give lighting shots
Turtle: Mikey

The Purple Dragons were definitely up to something these past few weeks. Topside seemed to be too quiet, and the four mutant brothers were definitely suspicious of this.

"Why can't something happen already so I can kick someone's shell," the red masked turtle fumed. The eldest of the four just looked at him seemingly unimpressed, but in actuality, he was bored of the lack of action as well.

"I'm boooored," the baby of the four whined. The three remaining brothers sighed at their brother's immaturity.

"Shut up, Mikey!" Raph grumbled. Mikey just rolled his eyes as he silently imitated his hot-headed brother while using his hand as a puppet. Luckily Raph didn't see this. Just when the brother's were about to call it quits and head home, they heard an ear shattering crack coming from a few buildings over.

"What the shell was that," Raph yelled out in an uneasy tone.

"I don't know, but it can't be good," Leo, the leader of the four, concurred. Just as he was about to give the order to track down the noise, Mikey had already run off screaming: "Booyakasha" at the top of his lungs. Leo held his forehead in annoyance, then signaled for him and the rest of his brothers to follow Mikey's noisy path.

The turtles were stopped suddenly at the edge of another building, when an even louder snapping noise was heard. Looking around, the turtles finally managed to catch a glimpse of what was occurring. Just below where they were standing, a group of Purple Dragons were all huddled in a circle cursing among themselves.

"What the-" before the red masked turtle could finish his train of thought, another loud thundering crack was heard, followed by tortured screams. Out of the corner of his eye, Raph could see a shadowy figure attacking the Purple Dragons with what seemed to be some sort of whip. "Guys, look over there by the entrance of the alley," Raph said quickly. The others looked over to where he was gesturing, and looked in awe.

"I thought we were the only ones who kicked the shell out of the PDs," Mikey questioned.

"I guess not," Donnie said unsurely. Just as the turtles were focusing on the mysterious figure, the figure began to walk out further from the shadows.

"Dude.." Mikey began to ogle the now visible figure with his mouth slightly agape.

The young leopard mutant brought her free hand up to the back of her head and ruffled her fiery, red hair slightly before glaring at the Purple Dragons with a sharp smirk on her front.

"You just couldn't stop when I told you the first few times," the girl growled slightly.

"Like we'd listen to a freak like you," one of the lower ranked goons spat out. The girl's intricately decorated tail and ears began to twitch, her eyes began to glow menacingly, and her teeth clenched in a scowl. She was ticked. The Purple Dragon seemed to shrink back in his place, his bravery completely evaporating from the situation. With a blink of her eye, the leopard girl cracked her whip at the man's feet, causing him to scream as small electric pulses made their way up his legs causing him to jerk his body slightly. The effect only lasted a few seconds, before he was back to normal and cussing under his breath.

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